Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Running Multiple .NET Services within a Single Process

I love the fact that .NET makes it profoundly easy to write Windows Services. Most of the low level details have been abstracted away, and while this makes it easier to write and deploy services, sometimes it doesn't work the way you'd expect. For example, I noticed something odd when I tried to write a Service that hosted multiple services. According to the API, it is possible to provide multiple ServiceBase objects to the static Run method as an array:

public static void Main()
 ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] { new Service1(), new Service2() };

However, when my code executes, only the first ServiceBase object runs, which seems suspicious. The culprit is that the API is somewhat misleading -- the ServiceBase.Run method is not actually responsible for running your services. Instead, it loads them into memory and then hands them off to the Service Control Manager for activation. The service that gets activated is the service you requested when you activated it from the Services Applet or command line:

NET START Service1

This error has appeared in many different forums, but no one seems to post a working example, so maybe I'm not entirely alone on this one. I think part of the confusion stems from the fact that I can give the first ServiceBase object in the array any ServiceName that I wish and it will execute.

public static void Main()
 ServiceBase myService = new Service1();
 MyService.ServiceName = "ServiceA";

How to make it work:

The correct way to allow multiple services to run within in a single process requires the following:

  1. An installer class with the RunInstaller attribute set to True. The class is instantiated and invoked when you run InstallUtil.exe
  2. The installer class must contain one ProcessInstaller instance. This object is responsible for defining the operating conditions (Start-up mode and User) that your service application will run under.
  3. The installer class must contain one ServiceInstaller instance per ServiceBase in your application. If you plan on running multiple services, each one must (sadly) be installed prior to use.
  4. For the service that you anticipate being started from the Services Applet, list the other services in the ServicesDependedOn property so that they will be started when your service starts:
public class MyServiceInstaller : Installer
 public MyServiceInstaller()
     ServiceProcessInstaller processInstaller = new ServiceProcessInstaller();
     processInstaller.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem;
     ServiceInstaller mainServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
     mainServiceInstaller.ServiceName = "Service1";
     mainServiceInstaller.Description = "Service One";
     mainServiceInstaller.ServicesDependedOn = new string [] { "Service2" };
     ServiceInstaller secondServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
     secondServiceInstaller.ServiceName = "Service2";
     secondServiceInstaller.Description = "Service Two";

Now when Service1 starts, Service2 is also started. Happily, both services log to the same log4net file and the number of Processes in the Task Manager increments only by one.

Note that when Service2 is stopped, Service1 will also be stopped. However, shutting down Service2 will not stop Service1. If you want tighter coupling between the two services, you might consider adding ServiceController logic to Service1 to start and stop Service2 during the Service1 OnStart and OnStop methods... maybe something I'll follow up with a later post.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ASP.NET Uri Fragment is not available

Recently, a question came my way about filtering URLs that contain fragment-identifiers. A fragment-identifier goes by many different names (bookmark, pound, hash, named-anchor, etc) and is represented as a pound symbol (#) at the end of a querystring:


Unfortunately, I had looked into something similar only a few months previously, so my response came immediately: "this cannot be done." While researching a problem several months ago, I was surprised to learn that the fragment of the URL is a client-side only html tag, meaning that most modern browsers use this primarily to scroll the named element into view -- they do not transmit this information to the web server. A simple test shows this value is NEVER populated.

public partial class PageTest : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("Fragment = " + Request.Url.Fragment + "<br />");

Sadly, this is not ASP.NET specific. It's part of the Uri specification. A Wikipedia article on this topic suggests that you can pass "#" to the server if it is encoded as %23, although this value is treated as part of the querystring instead of being interpreted as the Uri fragment.

If you need these values in the URL, put them in the query-string.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Visual Studio "Format the whole document" for Notepad++ using Tidy

I've started playing with Notepad++ over the last year, and really liking it. If you've been living under a rock, its an opensource replacement for the boring windows notepad.exe and has appeared on top-ten lists, including Scott Hanselman's list Ultimate Developer and Power User Tool List. While I haven't completely replaced Visual Studio, I have found a few neat tricks that have saved me a lot of grief.

My recent favorite is Tidy, an open source tool that can format HTML output, is included as a TextFX plugin for Notepad++.  By default, it doesn't do much, but the magic starts when you drop a configuration file into the TextFX plugin folder. Here's how I've configured mine:

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX
  2. Create a text file named htmltidy.cfg and place the following contents inside:
    indent: auto
    indent-spaces: 2
    wrap: 72
    markup: yes
    input-xml: yes
  3. Enjoy!

The configuration above is a basic format, which automatically wraps and indents XML/XHTML files nicely. To use just load up your XML file, choose "TextFX -> TextFX HTML Tidy -> Tidy" and your document should automatically indent properly. If you need more options, check out the Tidy quick reference guide. If you format a lot of XML documents, you can speed things up by assigning a ShortCut key:

  1. Choose "Settings -> Shortcut Mapper"
  2. Click on the "Plugin Commands" and scroll down to entry "D:Tidy" (entry 241 on my system).
  3. Double click the item and assign a ShortCut key.

A quick aside on the Shortcut keys, I had to try a few different options until Tidy formatted my document. I suspect that Notepad++ doesn't detect duplicate Shortcuts. I settled with CTRL+ALT+K, which seems to work without issue.

Lastly, if you want to completely replace "notepad.exe" with "Notepad++", there's a neat replacement utility referenced on the Notepad++ site that you should download and follow their basic instructions. Note that this utility is not the same as renaming notepad++.exe to notepad.exe and dropping it in your Windows directory; it's a utility that looks up the location of notepad++.exe from the registry and forwards requests to it. Also note, if your machine shipped with a copy of the operating system (typically a i386 folder), you need to replace the original notepad.exe there as well.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Selenium 0.92 doesn't work in IE over VPN or Dialup

I've been writing user interface tests for my current web project using Selenium. I really dig the fact that it uses JavaScript to manipulate the browser. I'm working on building a Language Pattern, where my unit tests read like a simple domain language -- it involves distilling Selenese output into a set of reusable classes.

I ran into a really frustrating snag during a late-night coding session and I started to freak out a bit -- my Selenium tests just magically stopped working! Instead of getting the Selenium framed window, my site was serving 404 messages. At first I thought the plumbing code that I had written was somehow serving the wrong URL.

I quickly switched my tests to FireFox and was relieved to see them working fine -- and under the same URL. Since my client uses IE 6, dropping Internet Explorer support for UI tests would be a deal breaker. I was surprised to see the tests work when I switched the URL from localhost:80 to localhost:4444, which is the port Selenium's proxy server runs on. The light in my head started to glow...

The aha moment came when I switched back to FireFox: I noticed that none of my FireFox plugins were loaded and that the Proxy server setting had been enabled to route localhost:80 through localhost:4444. Selenium is controlling registry settings for the browser, meaning that some setting was missing in IE. Although Internet Explorer had been configured to use my Selenium proxy-server settings, it ignores these values when on dial-up and VPN connections. You need to specify a different proxy server through an Advanced settings menu.

Both FireFox and Internet explorer use PAC files, which are used to automatically detect the configuration settings for your proxy server. Selenium generates a new PAC file between executions, so you'll quickly find that manually fixing it becomes a pain. To fix, create your own pac file and wire the setting in yourself.

Here's a snap of my connections dialog:

And the contents of my selenium-proxy.pac file:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
        return 'PROXY localhost:4444; DIRECT';

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Danger: Visitor Design Pattern can be useful

In seems that in my circles that out of all the design patterns in the gang of four, the Visitor pattern is often seen as confusing and impractical. I'd agree with that assessment: patterns like the Command, Strategy, Composite, and Factory are commonly used because it's easy to think of examples that work. Whereas the Visitor Pattern has a confusing relationship between objects and requires a lot of upfront code to make it work. It's easily filed under the i-don't-think-i'll-ever-use-this category.

I recently found a great code example on Haibo Luo's blog that involved using reflection to read IL (using Method.GetMethodBodyAsIL()). In it he posts two very different approaches to parsing the IL, the first post shows a Reflector-like example of a IL-Reader; the second post is focused on a related side-project but outlines how he was able to use the Visitor pattern to allow different interpretations of the IL. The Visitor pattern is perfect here, because IL is based on a fixed specification that will never change. (A side note: the entire ILReader class is attached as a zip at the bottom of the post and is worth checking out if you're interested in parsing IL using Reflection.)

After showing this example to a few colleagues (with some heated debates), I found new appreciation for the Visitor pattern. The Visitor Pattern can be really useful anywhere you have a fixed set of data, which surprisingly happens more frequently than you might think.

Take "Application Configuration" as an example. Normally, I'd write a simple Parser to read through the configuration to construct application state. Since the configuration elements are a fixed object model, they can be easily modified to accept a visit from a visitor:

public interface IConfigVisitor
void Visit(MyConfig configSection);
void Visit(Type1 dataElement);
void Visit(Type2 dataElement);

public interface IConfigVisitorAcceptor
void Accept(IConfigVisitor visitor);

public class MyConfig : ConfigurationSection, IConfigVisitorAcceptor
// config stuff here, omitted

public void Accept(IConfigVistior visitor)

public class Type1 : ConfigurationElement, IConfigVisitorAcceptor
// config stuff here, omitted

// example fields for Type1
public string Field1;

public void Accept(IConfigVisitor visitor)

public class Type2 : ConfigurationElement, IConfigVisitorAcceptor
// config stuff here, omitted

// example fields for Type2
public string Field1;
public string Field2;

public void Accept(IConfigVisitor visitor)

Little modification needs to be done to the parser to act as a Visitor. The parser is simply a visitor that collects state as it travels to each configuration element. This example is a bit trivial:

public class ConfigurationParserVisitor : IConfigVisitor
// example internal state for visitor
StringBuilder example = new StringBuilder();

public void Visit(MyConfig configSection)
// a custom iterator could be used here to simplify this
foreach(Type1 item in configSection.Type1Collection)
foreach(Type2 item in configSection.Type2Collection)

public void Visit(Type1 data)
public void Visit(Type2 data)
example.AppendLine(data.Field1 + " " + data.Field2);

public string GetOutput()
return example.ToString();

public class Example
public static void Main()
MyConfig config = (MyConfig)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("myconfig");

ConfigurationParserVisitor parser = new ConfigurationParserVisitor();


Here's usually where the argument gets heated: Why would anyone do this? Wouldn't you be better off writing a parser that accepts your configuration element as a parameter? A very valid question, it does seem an obtuse direction to follow if you only need to read your configuration file. However, where the Visitor pattern becomes useful is that new functionality can be added to the configuration elements without having to modify the object model in any way. Perhaps you want to auto-upgrade your settings to a new version, produce a report, display your configuration in a UI, etc.

One of the subtle advantages to this pattern is that new functionality can be expressed in a single class rather than spread about the solution. This makes it perfect fit for adding plugins to your application, or building an application that is composited together with a Command pattern.

While not all application will require this level of flexibility, it can be a very useful pattern when you need it. The upfront cost is a one-time event, so it's a pretty easy refactoring exercise.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Debugging HitBox Page Attributes

After spending a few hours debugging HitBox page attributes by using "View Source" and digging through the HTML markup, I whipped this together: Drag this link to your browser's bookmark toolbar: Show HitBox Inside this hyperlink:

javascript:alert('Page name= ' + hbx.pn + '\nPage Category=' + hbx.mlc);

Simple enough. I wonder if this approach would work for WebTrends or Omniture as well. If anyone has any examples, post a link.

Update 6-19-08: WebTrends link also available.