Tuesday, May 06, 2008

TDD Tips: InternalsVisibleTo - Keep your API clean

...or how to have all the great benefits of clean code and 100% code coverage too.

Although the .NET 2.0 Runtime has been out for quite sometime, I'm still surprised that most people are not aware that the 2.0 framework supports a concept known as "Friend Assemblies", made possible using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute. For me, this handy (and dare i say awesome) attribute solves an age old problem frequently encountered with Test Driven Development and when I first stumbled upon it about two years ago, my jaw hit the floor and I was all nerdy giddy about it.

This has all been blogged about before, but I want to comment on some of the best practices this approach affords us. As a general rule of thumb, you should always try to keep your Unit Tests out of your production code. After all, the classes needed for testing will never be used by end-users, so to prevent bloating up your assembly you should put the tests in a different assembly and leave 'em at home when you release the code. Unfortunately, this produces a strange side-effect: Types and Methods that would normally be marked as internal or private must be made public so that the external Test assembly can access them. You're left with a difficult compromise... either choose to violate your API access rules to support testing, or forgo all unit testing and code coverage for clean code. While the practice of exposing types is relatively harmless, it can introduce some negative side-effects into your project, especially if you're producing a library that is shared with other applications or third parties. Specifically, it can hurt usability and performance:

  • Usability of your assembly will be reduced because users will have a full gammet of Types to choose from. A clean API with only a few public facing classes is easier to understand that dozens of utility and helper classes. If you only have a handful of classes, this doesn't apply to you -- but if you've ever inherited a project with hundreds of Types and piss-poor documentation, I know you know what I'm talking about.
  • Performance of your API will be compromised if you follow FxCop recommendations -- which btw, is good advise. With all these public facing types you'll need additional parameter-validation and error handling because you can't guarantee how third-parties will access your Types. If your app is for internal-use, you can shirk this responsibility, but be warned: the onus is on you to enforce proper use of your library and to ignore several dozen FxCop violations. If you have third-parties using your library, this is extra plumbing is hard to avoid so it's more likely the Types and Methods are kept private/internal and the tests are simply neglected. Which, IMHO is where you really need the tests since the bugs are more likely to be nested deep in your implementation rather than the public exposed API, and hey ...bugs are bad for business.

Here's a few links that refer to these best practices:

Fortunately, the InternalsVisibleTo attribute fixes these issues. By placing the attribute in your assembly, you can keep types as internal and still allow unit testing.

Attribute Usage Examples

Using the attribute is quite simple. The attribute is placed in the assembly that contains the internal classes and methods that you want to expose to other "friend" assemblies. The attribute lists the "friend" assembly.

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;


MSDN documentation refers to strong names when referring to the friend assemblies, however, a strong-name is not required. This is extremely useful if you're just starting your project or not ready to strong-name the assembly. Note that if you are using a strong-name, it's the full public key and not just the public token.

[assembly:InternalsVisibleTo("assemblyName, PublicKey=fff....")]

To get the full public key of your assembly, you can use the strong name tool that ships with the .NET Framework to extract the public key:

sn -Tp Code.dll

Alternatively, David Kean has published a handy tool that can help you generate the InternalsVisibleTo attribute, so you can simply paste it into your assembly. However, his site is presently being reworked. I have the binary downloaded from his site, though I have no where to host the file. Give me a shout if you're interested... and David, let us know when you're site is back up.

Note: Although the strong-name is optional, you should be using strong-names on your assemblies as a best practice to prevent this type of runtime injection. And if you go down this route, all referenced assemblies must also been signed (all the more reason why you should be using strong-naming in the first place).

A Code Example...

This rudimentary example shows how you can create a class that takes advantage of the InternalsVisibleTo attribute. There are two assemblies: "Code" is my main assembly has the InternalsVisibleTo attribute and public facing API, "Test" is my test library that references "Code". If these assemblies weren't friends, all Types within "Code" would have to be public.

// within Code.dll

namespace Code
    public internal class StringUtility
        public static string ProperCase(string input)
            CultureInfo culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            return culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(input.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

// within Code.Test.dll
namespace Code.Test
    public class StringUtilityTest
        public void CanGetProperCaseFromInternalClass()
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello", StringUtility.ProperCase("HELLO"));

Kudos to Rick Strahl for the ProperCase string tip.

The Payoff...

So now that you've got your internal classes with test coverage goodness, treat yourself by opening up FxCop and viewing the reduced violations report.

FxCop before:

This screen capture of FxCop shows a few standard FxCop violations (my assembly isn't strong-named, yet) and a violating public arguments warning.

FxCop after:

Since most FxCop rules are centered around designing public APIs, classes that are marked as internal are exempt from certain rules. This snapshot shows how our internal class isn't subject to requiring additional validation logic.


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