Monday, May 12, 2008

TDD Tips: Unit Test Namespace considerations

In my last post, I highlighted some of the test-driven benefits of using the InternalsVisbleTo attribute. In keeping with the trend of TDD posts, here's a recent change in direction I've made about how to separate your tests from your code.

There's a debate and poll going on about where you should put your tests. The poll shows that the majority of developers are putting their code in separate projects (yeaaaa!). Bill Simser's suggestion to have tests reside within the code is a belief that balances dangerously between heresy and pragmaticism. Although I'm opposed to releasing tests with production, one point I can identify with is the overhead of keeping namespaces between your code and your tests in sync. (Sorry Bill, if I wanted my end users to run my tests, I'd give them my Test library and tell them to download NUnit) A long the same lines, at some point our organization picked up some advice that code namespaces should reflect their location in source control. This has proven effective for maintenance as this makes it easier to track down Types when inspecting a stack-trace. Following this advice has led us to adopt a consistent naming strategy for assemblies and their namespaces:

Project Namespace Assembly
Component Company.Component Company.Component.dll
Test Company.Component.Test Company.Component.Test.dll

This works well, but I have a few hang-ups on this design. This strategy pre-dates most of our TDD efforts, and frankly it gets in the way. Here are my issues:

  • Namespace Mismatch: We attempt to model the same folder structure between projects and although the folder structure is the same, the namespaces are different. The type Customer would reside in Company.Component.Customer while the CustomerTest would reside in Company.Component.Test.Customer.
  • Pure TDD is difficult: When the namespaces are different, it's a lot of extra clicking if you want to create your types as you write your Tests. You have to get out of the Test, create the Type in Library project, switch back to the test and then add the appropriate namespace using statement. If you create the type in the same file as the Test, you'll have to refactor the tests and the Type namespaces when you move it to the library. Most of these issues get caught at compile time, but it's a real nuisance.

However, there is some great advice in the Framework Design Guidelines book which states that assembly names and namespaces don't necessarily have to match. From Brad Abrams site:

Please keep in mind that namespaces are distinct from DLL names. Namespaces represent logical groupings for developers whereas DLLs represent packaging and deployment boundaries. DLLs can contain multiple namespaces for product factoring and other reasons, and namespaces can span multiple DLLs. Since namespace factoring is different than assembly factoring, you should design them independently.

A great example is that there is no System.IO.dll in the .NET framework: System.IO.FileStream resides in MSCorLib.dll while System.IO.FileSystemWatcher resides in System.dll. So if we apply this concept to our solution and think of Tests as a subset of functionality with different packaging purposes, our code and test libraries look like this:

Project Namespace Assembly
Component Company.Component Company.Component.dll
Test Company.Component Company.Component.Test.dll

Here's a snap of my Test Library's project properties...


Now that the namespaces are identical between projects, I never have to worry about missed namespace declarations --- I can quickly create Types in the Test library and move them to the library when I'm done. As an added bonus, when I change the namespace using Resharper, it will change my Test library as well. Here's what the TDD flow looks like using Resharper:

  1. Write the test, refer to a new non-existent Type.
  2. Use Resharper to generate the missing class. The class is created in the same file as the test and is marked internal.
  3. Flush out the class using additional tests.
  4. When the class is finished, right click the class and choose Refactor -> Move. Specify a new file, the name will automatically reflect the Type name.
  5. Drag the new file while holding the SHIFT key from the Test library to the code project. This will physically move the file between the projects and automatically update the project definitions.


  • Folder Issues: I should point out that this doesn't solve resolve the folder renaming issue. If you rename the folder in your code library, you'll have to do the same in the Test library. Mind you, Resharper doesn't automatically fix folders when you rename them anyway, so you're going to have to fix this yourself.
  • Maintenance Strategy: The maintenance model strategy that allows you to identify the location of a Type in source control based on a stack-trace is partially broken with this design. I say partially because a stack-trace should really only be a concern for production code, and stack-traces for unit-tests don't provide much in the context of a Test Runner. Still, to support troubleshooting, I encourage developers to follow a "Test" naming convention for their tests.
  • Intillisense Confusion With your Test and Code library sharing the same namespaces, both TestFixtures and Types will show up in Intellisense when you write code in your Test library. Some might see this as noise when writing tests; others might use it as a good holistic view for classes and associated Tests. If this really bothers you, you could mark your tests with an attribute that would hide the tests from intellisense.

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