Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Adding Subversion Ignores from the command line

I use Subversion at work and when I'm managing files from the command prompt, I generally don't enjoy having to sift through a long list of file names with question marks next to them, wondering whether these files should be checked into source control. Folders like "bin" and "obj" and user-preference files have no place in source control -- they just seem to get in the way.

If you're using TortoiseSVN, you can hide theses folder from source control simply by pulling up the context-menu for the un-versioned folder, select TortoiseSVN and "Add to ignore list". However, if you're using the command prompt, it requires a bit more effort. (Over the last few years, I've grown a well established distrust for TortiseSVN, as they shell-overlays can cripple even the fastest machines. I really wish the TortiseSVN guys would release their merge tool as a separate download, if you know a good diff tool, let me know.)

Because the svn:ignore property is stored as a new line delimited list, you need to pipe the results into a text file and edit them in the tool of your choice. When updating the property, I use the -F argument to specify a file instead of supplying the value in the command line.

  1. Get a list of the current ignores and pipe it into a text file:
    svn propget svn:ignore . > .ignore
  2. Edit the list in your editor:
    notepad .ignore
  3. Put the property back in:
    svn propset svn:ignore -F.ignore .
  4. Verify that your ignores work:
    svn st
  5. Commit your changes into the repository:
    svn ci . -m"Updating ignores"


  1. I like WinMerge as a diff/merge tool. The folder compare is handy too.

  2. Thanks for the tip, I'll check that out.

  3. Btw, I use WinMerge with TortoiseSVN too, as I prefer it to the built in diff tool. It integrates really nicely.
