Thursday, June 19, 2008

Debugging WebTrends Page Attributes

A few weeks back, I provided a specially constructed link that would allow you to debug HitBox page attributes. I had the pleasure (sarcasm intended) of attending WebTrends training this week, which revealed a similar gem...


To use, drag this link to your browser toolbar: Show WebTrends.

When clicked, the resulting alert shows all the attributes that are sent to WebTrends SmartSource data collector.

If you want to try it out, Motorcylce USA uses WebTrends.

Update 6-20-08: If you're using FireBug in FireFox, the network performance tab makes it really easy to view the querystring parameters associated with the WebTrends tracking image.

  1. Navigate to your page.
  2. Open FireBug.
  3. Select the Net tab.
  4. Click on the Images button in the menu.
  5. Find the instance of dcs.gif from the site.

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