Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TDD Tips: Create Custom NUnit Categories

In my recent post about test naming conventions and guidelines, I mentioned that you should annotate tests for third-party and external dependencies with category attributes and limit the number of categories that you create. This post will show basic usage of categories, will explain some of the reasoning behind limiting the number of categories. I'll also show how you can create your own categories with NUnit 2.4.x.

Although it's possible to annotate all of your tests with categories, they're really only useful for marking sensitive tests, typically around logical boundaries in your application. Some of the typical categories that I mark my tests with:

  • Database: Tests that require a database to execute. You might want to exclude these tests when you're working remotely or isolate these tests if you need to validate a database deployment for an environment.
  • Integration: Tests that interact with external components you don't have much control over, such as web-services or other infrastructure.
  • Web: Tests that perform regression tests on the visual aspect of a web-site. These tests tend to be very time consuming or require special configuration, so being able to exclude them until they're required can be a big help. Often I run these type of tests when the build server kicks off a build.


Using categories are very straight forward. Here's an example of a test that is marked with a "Database" category

namespace Code
public class AdoOrderManagementProvider
public void CanRetrieveOrderById()
// database code here

Challenges with Categories

One problem I've found with using categories is that category names can be difficult to keep consistent in large teams, mainly because the category name is a literal value that is passed to the attribute constructor. In large teams, you either end up with several categories with different spellings, or the unclear intent of the categories becomes an obstacle which prevents developer adoption.

Fortunately, since NUnit 2.4.x, it's possible to create your own custom categories by deriving from the CategoryAttribute class. (In previous releases, the CategoryAttribute class was sealed.) Creating your own custom categories as concrete classes allows the solution architect to clearly express the intent of the testing strategy, and relieves the developer of spelling mistakes. As an added bonus, you get Intellisense support (through Xml Documentation syntax), ability to identify usages and the ability to refactor the category much more effectively than a literal value.

Here's the code for a custom database category, and the above example modified to take advantage of it:

using NUnit.Framework;

namespace NUnit.Framework
/// <summary>
/// This test, fixture or assembly has a direct dependency to a database.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTarget.Class | AttributeTarget.Method | AttributeTarget.Assembly, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class RequiresDatabaseAttribute : CategoryAttribute
public RequiresDatabaseCategoryAttribute() : base("Database")

namespace Code
public class AdoOrderManagementProvider
[Test, RequiresDatabase]
public void CanRetrieveOrderById()
// etc...

It's important to point out that categories can be applied per Test, per Fixture or even for the entire Assembly, so you have lots of options in terms of the level of granularity.

Filtering Tests using Categories

The real advantage to using categories is that you can filter which tests should be included or excluded when the tests are run.

Filtering Categories within Nunit-Gui.exe

To actively include/exclude tests by category in the GUI:

  1. Click on the Categories tab in the top left
  2. Select the categories you wish to include/exclude, then click the Add button.
  3. If excluding tests, check the "exclude these categories" checkbox.

Filtering Categories in NUnit 2.4.7.

Filtering Categories with Nunit-Console.exe

To include/exclude tests by category from the command line use either the /include:<category-name> or /exclude:<category-name> parameters. It's possible to provide a list of categories by using a comma delimiter.

Example of running all tests within assemblyName.dll except for tests marked as Database or Web.:

nunit-console assemblyName.dll /exclude:Database,Web

Example of running only tests marked with the Database category:

nunit-console assemblyName.dll /include:Database
Note: The name of the category is case-sensitive.

Code Available

I'm pleased to announce that I've setup a repository using Google Project hosting. I'll be posting downloadable code samples. I've created a few simple NUnit categories based on the examples above that you can download and use for your projects:

Happy testing!

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