Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Implementing a Strategy Pattern using the Unity Framework

My current project is using Unity and has had some interesting challenges to work through.  One of the design challenges we encountered involved several components that were nearly identical in appearance except for a few minor functional details.  We decided to implement a strategy pattern where the variances were different strategies that were applied to common context.

For the sake of argument, let’s say we’re talking about a Financial Calculator that supports different types of financial calculations (FPV, Payment, etc)

public class Calculator : ICalculator
    public Calculator(IFormula formula)
	_formula = formula;

    public CalcResult Calculate(CalcArgs input)
        return _formula.Process(input);

    IFormula _formula;

public interface IFormula
    CalcResult Process(CalcArgs input);

public class FutureValue : IFormula
    public CalcResult Process(CalcArgs input)
        // ...

public class PresentValue: IFormula
    public CalcResult Process(CalcArgs input)
        // ...

In my last post, I showed how Unity needs some additional configuration in order to resolve ambiguous types – Unit won’t be able to resolve our Calculator unless we specify which IFormula we want to use.  This scenario is a bit different because we want to be able to use both the FutureValue and PresentValue formulas at runtime. 

We have a couple of options to choose from, each with their own pitfalls:

  • Container overloading
  • Named Instances

Container Overloading

At a basic level, we’re limited to registering a type only once per container.  Fortunately, Unity supports the ability to spawn a child container that can used to replace registered types with alternate registrations.  By swapping out our types, we can create alternate runtimes that can be scoped to specific areas of our application.

public void CanOverloadContainer()
    // create the container and register the
    //    PresentValue formula
    var container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IFormula, PresentValue>();

    // verify we can resolve PresentValue
    var formula1 = container.Resolve<IFormula>();
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(formula1, typeof(PresentValue));

    // create a child container, and replace
    //    the formula with FutureValue formula
    var childContainer = container.CreateChildContainer();
    childContainer.RegisterType<IFormula, FutureValue>();

    // verify that we resolve the new formula
    var formula2 = childContainer.Resolve<IFormula>();
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(formula2, typeof(FutureValue));

This approach provides a clean separation between the container and the various combinations of our strategy pattern.  If you can compose your application of controllers that can extend and manipulate child containers, this is your best bet as each container provides a small targeted service to the application as a whole.

However, if the variations must live in close contact with one another and you can’t separate them into different containers, you’ll need a different strategy.

Named Instances

Unity provides the ability to register a type more than once, with a caveat that each type is given a unique name within the container.  This feels more like a hack than a best practice, but it provides a simple solution to registering the various combinations of ICalculator types side-by-side.  Since our variations are based on the types passed in through the constructor, we can provide Unity the construction information it needs using InjectionConstructor and ResolvedParameter objects.  To resolve our objects, we must specify the unique name when resolving.

public void CanConstructUsingConstructorInfo()
    var container = new UnityContainer();

    container.RegisterType<ICalculator, Calculator>("FutureValue",
                            new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<FutureValue>())

    container.RegisterType<ICalculator, Calculator>("PresentValue",
                            new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<PresentValue>())

    var calc1 = container.Resolve<ICalculator>("FutureValue");
    var calc2 = container.Resolve<ICalculator>("PresentValue");

At this point, I need to step aside and point out that there is a potential problem with this approach.  We’ve created a mechanism that allows our type to be easily resolved directly from the container using it’s unique name.  There is temptation to pass the container into our code and resolve these objects by name.  This is a slippery slope that will quickly tie your application code and tests directly to Unity.  I will blog more about this in an upcoming post, but here are some better alternatives:

Resolved Parameters

Rather than manually resolving the named instance from the container, configure the container to use your named instance:

public class Example
    public Example(ICalculator calculator)
        Calculator = calculator;

    public ICalculator Calculator

public class ExampleTest
    public void ConfigureExampleForNamedInstance()
        var container = new UnityContainer();
        container.RegisterType<ICalculator, Calculator>("FutureValue",
                                    new InjectionConstructor(
                                            new ResolvedParameter<FutureValue>())

                                    new InjectionConstructor(
                                            new ResolvedParameter<ICalculator>("FutureValue"))

        Example ex = container.Resolve<Example>();
Dependency Attributes

Unity supports special attributes that can be applied to your code to provide configuration guidance.  This can make instrumenting your code much easier, but it has a downside of brining the dependency injection framework into your code.  This isn’t necessarily the end of the world, but can limit us if we want to reuse this class with a different dependency or overload it in another container.

public class Example
    public Example(
                ICalculator calculator
        Calculator = calculator;

    public ICalculator Calculator

Alternatively, the DependencyAttribute can be applied to Properties as well for Setter injection.  Personally, I find this reads better than using attributes in the constructor, and I’ll save my points about Setter injection for another post.

public class Example
    public ICalculator Calculator
        get; set;


Although inversion of control promotes use of interfaces to decouple our implementations, we often use abstract classes and composition to construct our objects.  In the case of composition, we need to provide Unity with the appropriate information to construct our objects.  Wherever possible, we should defer construction logic to configuration settings rather than instrumenting the code with container information.

1 comment:

  1. Thank for this post, this is what i am looking for...
