Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Visual Studio Regular Expressions for Find & Replace

Visual Studio has had support for regular expressions for Find & Replace for several versions, but I've only really used it for simple searches. I recently had a problem where I needed to introduce a set of changes to a very large object model. It occurred to me that this could be greatly simplified with some pattern matching, but I was genuinely surprised to learn that Visual Studio had their own brand of Regular Expressions.

After spending some time learning the new syntax I had a really simple expression to modify all of my property setters:


public string PropertyName
    get { return _propertyName; }
        _propertyName = value;


public string PropertyName
    get { return _propertyName; }
        if ( value == _propertyName )
        _propertyName = value;

Here’s a quick capture and breakdown of the pattern I used.



^{:Wh*}<{_:a+} = value;
  • ^ = beginning of line
  • { = start of capture group #1
  • :Wh = Any whitespace character
  • * = zero or more occurrences
  • } = end of capture group #1
  • < = beginning of word
  • { = start of capture group #2
  • _ = I want to the text to start with an underscore
  • :a = any alpha numerical character
  • + = 1 or more alpha numerical characters
  • } end of capture group #2
  • “ = value;” = exact text match


\1(if (\2 == value)\n\1\t\return;\n\1\2 = value;

The Replace algorithm is fairly straight forward, where “\1” and “\2” represent capture groups 1 and 2.  Since capture group #1 represents the leading whitespace, I’m using it in the replace pattern to keep the original padding and to base new lines from that point.  For example, “\n\1\t” introduces a newline, the original whitespace and then a new tab.

It’s seems insane that Microsoft implemented their own regular expression engine, but there’s some interesting things in there, such as being able to match on quoted text, etc.

I know this ain’t much, but hopefully it will inspire you to write some nifty expressions.  Cheers.

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