Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Static is Dead to Me

The more software I write with a test-first methodology, the more I struggle with the use of singletons and static classes. They’ve become a design smell, and I’ve grown to realize that if given enough care and thought towards a design most static dependencies aren’t needed. My current position is that most singletons are misplaced artefacts without a proper home, and static methods seem like an amateurish gateway to procedural programming.

Despite my obvious knee-jerk loathing for static, in truth there’s nothing really wrong with it -- it’s hard to build any real-world application without the use of some static methods. I continue to use static in my applications but its use is reserved for fundamental top-level application services. All told, there should only be a handful of classes that are accessible as static members.

From a test-driven development perspective, there are several strong arguments against the use of static:

  • Lack of Isolation. When a class uses a static method in another type, it becomes directly coupled to that implementation. From a testing perspective it becomes impossible to test the consuming class without satisfying the requirements of the static dependency. This increases the complexity and fragility of the tests as the implementation details of the static dependency leak into many tests.
  • Side Effects. Static methods allow us to define objects that maintain state that is global in nature. This global state represents a problem from a testing perspective because any state that must be set up for a test fixture must be reset after the test completes. Failure to clean-up the global state can corrupt the environment and lead to side-effects in other tests that depend on this shared state.
  • Inability to run tests in parallel. A fundamental requirement for reliable tests is a predictable, well-known state before and after each test. If tests depend on global state that can be mutated by multiple tests simultaneously then it is impossible to run more than one test at a time. Given the raw computing power of a hyper-threaded, multi-core machine, it seems a crime to design our code that limits testing to only one core.
  • Hidden dependencies. Classes that pull dependencies into them from a static singleton or service-locator creates an API that lies to you. Tests for these classes become unnecessarily complex and increasingly brittle.

An Alternative to Static

Rather than designing objects to be global services that are accessed through static methods, I design them to be regular objects first. There are no static methods or fields. Classes are designed to be thread-safe, but make no assumptions about their lifetime.

This small change means that I expect all interaction to be with an instance of my object rather through a member that is Type specific. This suggests two problems: how will consumers of my class obtain a reference to my object, and how do I ensure that all consumers use the same object?

Obtaining a Reference

Not surprisingly, the problem related to obtaining a reference to my object is easily solved using my favourite Inversion of Control technique, Constructor Injection. While there are many IoC patterns to choose from, I prefer constructor injection for the following reasons:

  • Consuming classes do not have to depend on a specific framework to obtain a reference.
  • Consuming classes are explicit about their required dependencies. This fosters a consistent and meaningful API where objects are assembled in predictable and organized manner rather than randomly consumed.
  • Consuming classes don’t have to worry about which instance or the lifetime of the object they have received. This solves many testing problems as concurrent tests can work with different objects.

The difference between accessing my object through a static member versus an object instance is very subtle, but the main distinction is that using the object reference requires some forethought as the dependency must be explicitly defined as a member of the consuming class.

Obtaining the Same Reference

By forgoing the use of static, we’ve removed the language feature that would simplify the ability to ensure only a single instance of our object is consumed. Without static we need to solve this problem through the structure of our code or through features of our application architecture. Without a doubt it’s harder, but I consider the well structured and tested code worth it (so don’t give up).

Eliminating Singletons through Code Structure:

My original position is that most singletons are simply misplaced artefacts. By this I mean static is used for its convenience rather than to expose the class as a global application service. In these situations it’s far more likely that the static class provides a service that is used in one area of the application graph. I’d argue that with some analysis the abstraction or related classes could be rearranged to create and host the service as an instance thereby negating the need for a singleton.

This approach typically isn’t easy because the analysis requires you to understand the lifetime and relationship of all objects in the graph. For small applications with emergent design, the effort is obtainable and extremely rewarding when all the pieces fit together nicely. The effort for larger applications may require a few attempts to get it right. Regardless of application size, sticking with an inverted dependencies approach will make the problem obvious when it occurs.

An inversion of control container can lessen the pain.

Eliminating Singletons through Architecture:

Perhaps my favourite mechanism for eliminating singletons is to use an Inversion of Control container and configure it with the responsibility of maintaining the object lifetime.

This example shows programmatic registration of a concrete type as a singleton.

private void InitializeGlobalServices(IUnityContainer container)
   // configure the container to cache a single instance of the service
   // the first time it is used.
   container.RegisterType<MyServiceProvider>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());

The real advantage here is that any object can be made static without rewriting code. As a further optimization, we can also introduce an interface:

private void InitializeGlobalService(IUnityContainer container)
       new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());


Somewhere in my career I picked up the design philosophy that “objects should not have a top”, meaning that they should be open-ended in order to remix them into different applications. Eventually the "top" is the main entry-point into the application which is responsible for assembling the objects to create the application.

Dependency Injection fits nicely into this philosophy and in my view is the principle delivery mechanism for loosely coupled and testable implementations. Static however works against this in every regard: it couples us to implementations and limits our capability to test.

The clear winner is dependency injection backed by the power of an inversion of control container that can do the heavy lifting for you. As per my previous post, if you limit usage of the container to the top-level components, life is simple.

Happy coding.

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