Monday, October 08, 2012

NuGet PackageRestore is awesome

It’s safe to say I’m a NuGet fan.  I’ve been using and following NuGet since the original Nubular days, but somehow I missed the significance of the Package Restore feature announced in version 1.7. I’ve had a chance to try it out. Simply put, it’s awesome.

Package Restore is a feature that allows your project to download and install packages as they’re needed, which means you don’t have to commit these packages into your source control repository. Java developers will recognize this feature as something similar to Maven, which has been around for while, but for .NET this is a very welcome change.

Enabling the feature in Visual Studio is pretty simple, just bring up a context-menu on the Solution Explorer and choose “Enable Package Restore”. Once enabled developers (and your build server) don’t even need to have NuGet installed to take advantage of this, they simply need an environment variable “EnableNuGetPackageRestore” defined.

The impact this feature has on your development team is subtle, but very powerful, and after using it on my current project I’m realizing how crippling our previous approach has been.

Up to this point my usage of NuGet has focused around the initial stages of the project, when the solution and dependencies are initially being put together. In this scenario, I’m checking the packages NuGet installs into my source control which means other developers (and my build server) have everything they need to compile the solution after they’ve got the latest source from the server.

Checking libraries into source control exposes a few interesting, and a bit too common, pain points:

  • Upgrading packages isn’t easy because developers may manage the dependencies for projects manually, even if they have NuGet installed. In a way, I can’t blame the developers for doing this because this is, after all, how we’ve been managing our dependencies for years. But ultimately this practice defeats the purpose of using NuGet in the first place: I can’t upgrade all my projects in my solution to a newer version of the package if there are projects that NuGet isn’t aware of.
  • Source control can get bloated with different versions of packages over time. If developers are using NuGet to manage their packages, they might forget to remove old versions in the repository. It takes a bit of extra discipline to stay on top of this.
    • Side note: depending on the connection between your build agent and server this bloat is potentially slowing down your build.
  • Developers can still experience problems where their Local workspace isn’t current. This problem happens fairly frequently, if a developer isn’t getting the latest copy of the packages folder on a regular basis.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve found the package restore feature addresses these concerns, plus a few extra perks:

  • We’re more open to trying out new packages because there’s less operational overhead. Developers don’t have to worry about breaking the build because they forgot to check in required assemblies, and the impact to remove the dependency is limited to the project file and config file. Less operational overhead makes the team more flexible to change when necessary.
  • There’s new found desire to move existing dependencies to NuGet packages. NuGet has helped our team visualize the relationship between our dependencies which plays into how we’ll update and manage our packages, but it also automates the dependency management. For example, the process of duplicating a project’s dependencies when setting up a test project is greatly simplified. Once these benefits are realized, you’ll being to scrutinize the dependencies in the solution that aren’t managed by NuGet. In some cases, this has led us to create packages for our reusable libraries – which is so awesome because this will benefit our project and the organization as a whole. And that’s cool.

So there you have it. If you’re not using NuGet, you should download it and give it a try. If you’re already using it but not leveraging Package Restore I challenge you to give it a spin – does it make your team productive? Leave a comment below!

Happy coding.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hosting a Dependency Injected WCF Service

I was having a discussion with a colleague today about how I use my blog as my digital memory or to save keystrokes when helping others. A few moments later, we were debugging a problem that I was convinced I had solved before. Strangely, I have no blog post for this.

So here it is.

Let’s say you’ve got an application and you’d like to expose a part of it on the network. Maybe you want to allow your mobile phone to control your app, or maybe you want two applications to talk to another. There are lots of possibilities here. Within the Microsoft space, one of the best ways to do this is through WCF. From an implementation perspective, it’s all about the ServiceHost.

Let's say the service looks something like this:

using System.ServiceModel;

namespace Example
    public class Service : IService
        public string SayHelloTo(string person)
            return String.Format("Hello {0}", person);

    public interface IService
        string SayHelloTo(string person);

And the code to host the service looks something like this:

using System.ServiceModel;

public Example

    public class ServiceTests
        public void WhenServiceIsHosted_UsingTypeNameAndConfigIsPresent_ShouldConfigureTheServiceWithValuesInTheAppConfig()
            var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Example.Service));
                "The service host was not configured.");
            // optionally, if you had to launch it
            // host.Open();
            // Console.ReadLine();
            // host.Close();



This all good for basic services. But what if your service is assembled using constructor injection? You won't be able to simply pass the Type to the ServiceHost constructor.

public void WhenServiceIsHosted_UsingInstanceAndConfigIsPresent_ShouldConfigureTheServiceWithValuesInTheAppConfig()
    Service serviceInstance = ConstructService(); // omitted for clarity
    var host = new ServiceHost(serviceInstance);


Only, this test fails! It seems that by passing an instance of our service to the ServiceHost the values in our app.config are not being read.

To correct this issue, the service is configured as singleton and requires us to decorate our concrete implementation of that service with a ServiceBehavior attribute, and configure the InstanceContext for our instance as a Singleton.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
public class Service : IService
    // ....

Bam! Passing tests.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Marking Kanban Items as Blocked

Sometimes items in your Kanban workflow reach a state where they cannot proceed. Maybe they’re have a dependency on another item; maybe there’s an issue or pending decision. When this happens, you want to increase the visibility of these issues by marking them as blocked.

Fortunately, the SEP Teamworks tool which I mentioned in my last post, supports such a feature. Simply right-click (or on a touch device, tap-and-hold) and use the context-menu to mark it as blocked.


Simple, right? Well, the first time I tried this feature, the tool crashed. Turns out that you must have a Blocked field in your work item definition.

Adding this field to your work item definition is easy.

  1. Retrieve the work item definition from your TFS server using the witadmin exportwitd command:

    witadmin exportwitd /collection:<server-name> /p:<project-name> /n:Task /f:Task.xml
  2. Insert a new field definition into the FIELDS node. Note that the namespace doesn’t matter. As TFS doesn’t contain a definition for Boolean fields, you must set it up as a string with Yes/No values.

    <witd:WITD application="Work item type editor" version="1.0" xmlns:witd="">
      <WORKITEMTYPE name="Task">
        <!-- edited for clarity -->
          <FIELD name="Blocked" refname="Custom.Blocked" type="String">
            <ALLOWEDVALUES expanditems="true">
                <LISTITEM value="Yes" />
                <LISTITEM value="No" />
               <DEFAULT from="value" value="No" />
  3. (Optional, but highly recommended) If you want to change the Blocked field outside of the SEP Teamworks tool (such as inside TFS), you’ll need to describe the field inside the FORM node. The syntax is relatively straightforward:

    <witd:WITD application="Work item type editor" version="1.0" xmlns:witd="">
      <WORKITEMTYPE name="Task">
        <!--edited for clarity -->
           <Control Type="FieldControl" FieldName="Custom.Blocked" Label="Blocked:" />
  4. Lastly, push your changed work item definition back to the server using the witadmin tool:

    witadmin importwitd /collection:<server-name> /p:<project-name> /f:task.xml

With these changes in place, the SEP Teamworks tool puts a visual over blocked items.


My next post will look at some other handy customizations to the TFS work flow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Configuring SEP Kanban board

In my last post, I showed how I’ve modified the State field of my TFS Work Item definitions to resemble my Kanban workflow.  This post we’ll take a look at how I’ve configure my digital board and highlight the pros and cons of my current approach. Maybe you’ll find this useful, maybe you’ve got some recommendations – either way, I’d love to hear from you.

Setting things up

  1. Download and install the SEP Digital Kanban board:
  2. Run the MSI. Defaults all the way through.
  3. Run the app. You’ll need to configure the board with a few settings.
  4. Pick a server:


  5. Select your TFS Server:

  6. Select your TFS project and select a Query that returns all your work items. I have a small query to return only Tasks and Bugs: 

  7. In order to get the workflow correct, you’ll need to manually order the States of the Work Item. Change the Work Item States –> Order.



    The Item states should be in this order:

    • Proposed
    • Active
    • Selected
    • In Development
    • Ready for Test
    • Testing
    • Acceptance
    • Closed

  8. Depending on your Project collection, you may have additional work item definitions with their own states. You may have to turn off any states that aren’t included in our work item states. (This screen shot shows Resolved, Design and Ready states have been turned off)

  9. Set up some limits.


Cool Features

Touch enabled: While the main feature that I was interested in was representing my tasks in TFS, what sold me on this tool was the fact that it was designed for touch. My HP TouchSmart now operates as our digital kanban board.

Swim lanes: Another great feature is the ability to view the features in their own collapsible Swim Lane. There are many great uses for swim lanes such as grouping by Area, Iteration, Priority, Assigned to, Triaged, etc. Most scalar value fields can be used. What’s also great about this feature is that you can simply drag a work item into a swim lane to assign that field value. This makes it easy to keep your work items organized.

Create or Edit Work Items: The tool takes advantage of the form layouts defined in the work item definition, so you can get the same TFS Team Explorer editor experience right on your Kanban board. Large buttons at the top of the user-interface make it simple to add new bugs or tasks as they arrive, and I can open an item from a context-menu to get or edit details about the task at hand.

Caveats and Annoyances

Tasks and Bugs: Unfortunately, I’m only tracking Task and Bug work items because these are the items that I’ve customized. I would like to Use Stories where I describe the work as a high level story and then realize that effort in tasks. At the moment, I’m using TFS 2008 which doesn’t support hierarchal tasks, so I’m kind of stuck on that.  If I could track hierarchal tasks, I’m not entirely sure how I would use this tool – where should the Stories appear on the board if only some of the development tasks are complete?

No sub-columns: One of the features that this tool lacks is that ability to create sub-columns. Ideally I would like to treat Development as one column with two sub-columns (“In Development” and “Ready for Test”) and put a WIP limit on Development. Having this capability highlights testing bottlenecks and would ensure that the development team is invested in seeing their completed efforts are delivering into the client’s hands.

No central configuration: While I’m sure that the target usage for this application is to use it on a touch-device as a whiteboard replacement, the tool doesn’t offer any means to save the configuration externally or toggle between configurations. This is a minor annoyance because most of my team members are jumping on board with this tool to provide their status updates. Also, as I have multiple projects, a means to jump between configurations would be ideal.

All in all, it’s a great resource.

My next post will talk more about customizations to the Work Item definitions that support my workflow.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Using Kanban with TFS

I’ve been actively campaigning for Kanban within our organization. This means giving lunch info-sessions, lending my ear to projects that need a boost, speaking with management and project managers. What I find so fascinating is that people get charged by such a simple concept. It can’t be this easy – but it is – and it’s applicable to most projects. Really? Really.

I’m thrilled to see people “get it”, because it’s easy to draw parallels between work as a pipeline and continuous delivery. Concepts like “push-to-deploy”, continuous integration and regression testing graft directly to parts of your workflow. And while the core concepts of continuous delivery aren’t prerequisites to Kanban, they are certainly mutually beneficial. By leading with Kanban, it’s easier to see value proposition of continuous delivery.

A common theme from all my discussions is I strongly recommend teams “resist the urge to replace a whiteboard with software”. Software can be a trap if applied too early to the process. Pick the wrong tool and you’ll spend your time worrying about tooling rather than the issues that are preventing you from delivering value. Nothing beats the immediate, tactile capabilities of a post-it note moving from one column to another. Focus on the workflow, foster adoption within the team, optimize and then find software to fit your needs. It should rarely be the other way around.

Unless of course, your team is remote.

I’ve heard of some innovative ways to get around this limitation, including a webcam pointed at your Kanban board. This seems like too far a stretch for me, and it’s time for my project to move our spreadsheets and post-it notes into a more centralized digital format.

While there are many cloud-based solutions, a critical feature for me is to own the data. And integrate directly with Visual Studio. (Okay, two key features). Team Foundation Server does Work Items. Let’s start there.

Customizing Work Item Definitions

Out of the box, the definition for Task has all the fields we need to implement our Kanban workflow. The main customization that we need to make is to the State field: we’ll model the various stages of our workflow using this field.

Our current workflow looks something like this:

  • Proposed: This is our backlog
  • Active: Items that will be included in this release.
  • Selected: These are items that we will develop next.
  • In Development: Items being actively worked on.
  • Ready for Test: Development is complete and is pending deployment or verification.
  • Testing: Items that are being validated by testers.
  • Acceptance: Items at are ready for client review.
  • Closed: Completed items.

We’ll need to model these various states in our work item definition, which we can retrieve from TFS using the following command line:

witadmin exportwitd /collection:https://<tfs-server-name> /p:<project-name> /n:Task /f:task.xml

Our State field is represented in the work item definition as:

<witd:WITD application="Work item type editor"

  <WORKITEMTYPE name="Task">

    <FIELDS> <!—- simplified for clarity -->

      <FIELD name="State" refname="System.State" type="String" reportable="dimension">
        <HELPTEXT>The workflow state of the task</HELPTEXT>


    <WORKFLOW> <!-- simplified for clarify -->

        <STATE value="Proposed" />
        <STATE value="Active"/>
        <STATE value="Selected" />
        <STATE value="In Development" />
        <STATE value="Ready for Test" />
        <STATE value="Testing" />
        <STATE value="Acceptance" />
        <STATE value="Closed" />



Transitioning between States

One of the powerful features of customizing the work item definition is the ability to define rules that govern how the item transitions between states.  There is a bit overhead to define these transitions and it can become cumbersome if you have a lot of states, but overall this is a good exercise to formalize what each column means and why something would move from one state to another.

State transitions are fairly easy but there are a few small caveats:

  • You must provide a default state (transitioning “” to “Proposed”)
  • Each transition must have a default reason, plus any number of additional reasons.
  • Any transition that is clearly not defined is not supported.

There are a lot of neat features that you can define here, some of which will have to wait for another post, but here’s a quick excerpt that demonstrates state transitions:

<witd:WITD application="Work item type editor" 
    <!-- edited for clarity -->

        <!-- snip -->
            <TRANSITION from="" to="Proposed">
                <DEFAULTREASON value="New" />
            <TRANSITION from="Proposed" to="Active">
                <DEFAULTREASON value="Scheduled in Release" />
            <!-- not shown:
                proposed -> development
                proposed -> closed

                active -> selected
                active -> development
                active -> proposed
                active -> closed
                selected -> development
                selected -> active

                development -> ready for test
                development -> selected
                development -> active

                ready for test -> testing
                ready for test -> development

                testing -> acceptance
                testing -> ready for test
                testing -> development
                testing -> selected
                testing -> active

                acceptance -> closed
                acceptance -> active

                closed -> active


With our customizations in place, we can push our work item definition back to TFS:

witadmin importwitd /collection:<server-name> /p:<project> /f:task.xml

Now when we open a Task definition, we see that the State transition drop-down is constrained by the transitions we’ve defined and the Reason column is prepopulated with our reasons.


Visualizing TFS Work Items in a Kanban tool

TFS has a rich API and many integrations available (especially with Office stack) but I certainly wouldn’t have gone through all of this trouble if there wasn’t a replacement for my whiteboard and post-it notes.

I recently found this free tool, provided by SEP, that does most of things I want. Because the application supports touch, I’m able to put my HP TouchSmart to good use.


My next post will talk more about setting up the SEP teamworks tool.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

A week with Windows Phone 7

I realize I’m probably a bit late to the party on this blog post as Windows Phone 8 is around the corner, but worth writing about anyway.

I've been an iOS boy for a long time, starting with my trusty 3G in 2008 and my iPhone 4 in late 2010. But when my iPhone 4 was stolen, my options here in Canada were pretty limited. I could either replace my iPhone 4 for over $600, or count the months remaining on my 3 year contract until I could afford an upgrade, where each month was a $20 savings from the $600. Disappointed and rejected, I reluctantly plopped a new SIM into my old iPhone 3G and over the course of a few months I began to realize the crushing effect of Apple's development philosophy: "Long live new hardware! Old hardware be damned."

I got tired waiting, and on a whim I scanned kajiji for used phones. I stumbled upon a lightly used Nokia Lumina 710 for a little over $100 – a bargain compared to my iOS options. As a windows developer who knows a thing or two about WPF and XAML, I couldn't resist.

First impressions

Although I want to focus on the Windows Phone operating system, I need to remark on the device a bit. As a phone, the Nokia performs well, fits comfortably in your hand, has a bright screen and a decent 5 megapixel camera. This device features a dedicated button for the camera which can bring the device out of stand-by so that you can use it as a camera, a feature all phone should have if they don't already.

It seems like a funny feature to showcase, but I'm quite impressed by the speakerphone, which takes up sizeable area of the lower back of the phone. I’ve found this feature to be lacking in both my iPhone and iPad, but now I can actually use the speakerphone to have conversations with people in the room, or hear the dialog in a YouTube video.

My only complaint is that the hardware buttons at the bottom of the device can't be used to bring the device out of stand-by – that feature is exclusively owned by the power button on the top. I don't know if this behavior is something specific to this Nokia device, but I find myself pressing these buttons constantly – an old habit that this iOS'er is certainly having a hard-time breaking.

User Interface

So far, I'm really quite impressed with my Windows Phone. From a look-and-feel perspective, the interface is a slick metro theme. Scrolling is smooth and transitions between screens are animated. Most importantly, applications start quickly and are responsive.

Hardware Buttons

Windows phones have three hardware buttons: "back", "windows", "search". The windows button can be pressed at any time and returns you to the Start screen where you can launch applications. More on the search button later.

If you’re used to iOS where navigating through an application is done through software-based buttons, the “back” button seems like an oddity the first time you use it.  Most applications in Windows Phone rely on the back button to provide backward navigation, similar to the behaviour of the back button in a web browser. However, if the application has reached its initial starting point, the back button will close the application and return you to the start screen.  If you have multiple applications open, the back button will close the current application and return you to the previously running application – this seems peculiar at first.  Alternatively, you can press-and-hold the back button which will allow you to switch between applications, much like switching tabs in your browser.

It's funny that after relying on software-based buttons in iOS for so long, I was reluctant to switch to hardware-based buttons for aesthetic reasons and it took a while to get used to. Once you've acclimatized to having these buttons, you realize that most applications take advantage of this concept so their user-interfaces aren't cluttered with software buttons. The Windows Phone operating system builds upon this by providing a consistent place in applications for software buttons, called the app bar, located at the bottom of the screen just above the hardware buttons. These two concepts work really well together and they quickly become second nature.

After a few days, I found myself wanting to tap the left-side of my iPhone whenever I picked it up.


On the iPhone, you can tell a lot about someone’s personality not only by the way they've customized the outside of the device but by the way they've arranged their applications: what's on their home screen? what's in the dock? With Windows Phone, i can drag tiles around to personalize my start screen, though it doesn't have the same feeling as folders and multiple screens on iOS. I'm not saying this is bad, it's just different. It’s stripped down simple. So simple, it works brilliantly.

Apart from the start screen, I can swipe to the right to bring up a full list of applications, which are sorted alphabetically. It's easy to find an application if you know its name, but grouping them by category or folder like Windows 8 would be a huge step up. It took iOS a few releases to introduce folders, maybe a future release will support this.

The phone also supports a simple theming concept which is comprised of a background and accent colour. The theme is based on the concept that darker colours use less power for the OLED screen. The accent colour is picked up by most applications and changes the colours used by the main home screen.

You can also customize the images on the lock screen and customize ringtones and other sounds. (I am so freaking bored with iPhone’s notifications and reminders.)

Live Tiles / Start Screen

In Windows Phone, the tiles are "live", meaning that each application can provide additional information to the Start screen. Whereas iOS applications are limited to small numeric overlays overtop of their applications (a handful of Apple applications like Weather and Calendar update their icons to reflect current conditions and date), Windows Phone allows applications to fully customize the front and back of their tiles.

As you would expect, the Weather application shows an icon for the current weather conditions with the current temperature and the Calendar application shows the time and details of your next appointment. Some of the apps provide a much more interesting display, like the Contacts app creates an animated mosaic of my friends cover photos, or the Photos app which rotates through some of my favourites.

Where the Live Tiles feature rocks is that some applications let you pin individual elements of the application to the Start screen. Most notably, I pinned my wife’s contact card to the start screen which shows me her photo and recent activity. Other apps, like FourSquare let you pin things like locations. It’s a mix between developer flexibility and user customization.

In the end, the Home Screen becomes more than just a launching point for your favourite applications – it’s a personal dashboard that provides meaningful information at a glance. This is extremely powerful.

The Social Connection

Windows Phone is touted as being great as a "social" phone, and it's easy to see how that connection is made. When you first turn the device on, my first inclination is to setup my address book. I started with my Google account because this holds my contacts, email and a few personal calendars. Easy.

But Windows Phone also natively supports Facebook. Following the same process to hook up my Google account, I plugged in my Facebook credentials and something magical happened: the phone merged my overlapping contacts between online providers (Facebook, Google, Windows Live, Twitter, LinkedIn) into a single holistic view. Not just their contact details, but their status updates and online photos are instantly available from their contact card. This alone is pretty awesome but it goes one further – all contact touch-points from the phone are also seen in the history for the contact: emails, phone calls, text messages are all in one place.

The social network integration in the phone runs deep. All of my Facebook photo albums are immediately available from the phone’s photo gallery. I can post to twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. The built in Camera application lets you post pictures and videos to Facebook with a single click. I’ve been more active on Facebook this month without ever launching Facebook. Cool.

Other Perks

There are many other neat features in Windows Phone 7, but here’s a few notables:

  • Predictive Text: While iOS doesn’t provide auto-correct suggestions until you’ve misspelled or typed most of a lengthy word, WP7 provides a list of possible words above the keyboard as you type. The list is scrollable left/right and often provides suggestions that are exactly what you need, or darn close.
  • Search: One of the hardware buttons is for “search” which at first glance is just a shortcut for Bing. However, at the bottom of the search interface are three software buttons: one provides a handy feature to search by speaking to the device, the second leverages a built-in QR-Code (and MS-Tag) scanner, the third is a music search that can identify the currently playing song.
  • Speech: A slightly hidden feature, if you hold the windows key down for a second, a dialog will prompt you for voice commands. It’s not quite Siri, but you can text a message to someone without looking at the screen.
  • Office: Windows Phone 7 ships with a mobile version of Office, complete with OneNote.
  • Copy/Paste: While iOS didn’t have this until several releases in, the copy/paste feature within Windows Phone is pretty intuitive. And, it’s part of the initial release (jab, jab).


Much like iOS users pined for Copy-Paste, Windows Phone has a few short comings.

  • Screen Capture. Surprisingly, Windows Phone does not let you take pictures of the current screen. This is a bit baffling, but apparently coming in the next release. There’s a way to get screen-captures of the device but it requires the device to be registered with a paid-developer account. (That sucks. I will post screen-shots once I get my accounts sorted out)
  • App Store. This is by far the biggest challenge for the platform as the lack of applications makes it clear that this is the forgotten player in this space. Although I hope to write a few applications, the platform currently lacks the critical day-to-day apps like online-Banking. These apps are desperately needed, but with the upcoming Windows 8 and overlapping Windows 8 Phone release eminent, it’s likely we’ll see a catch-up effect in the App Store.


I dig the Windows Phone platform. And if you get a chance to play with one, give it a shot – it will surprise you.

The real question is whether I will buy a Windows 8 phone or an iPhone 5 when it’s announced in a few months. Depends on what happens in the iPhone space, but it’ll have to be really convincing.  I’m more than willing to try out the next generation of Windows 8 phones.

Monday, March 05, 2012

How I organize my Local TFS Workspaces

It happens several times on most projects. Developer one, let’s call him Andy, adds a third-party library into the source control repository that isn’t referenced anywhere in the Visual Studio solution file that the team uses. Andy also modifies a few files that depend on this new library and checks his changes in. Developer two, let’s call him Eric, gets the latest from source control by right-clicking the top of the Solution in the Solution Explorer and selecting “Get Latest (recursive)” from the context menu. Although Andy’s local workspace and the build server work fine, Eric believes he has the latest but his code won’t compile.

It’s a frustrating problem with an easy fix: just get the latest copy of the source and rebuild the solution. You can get the latest from the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio, or open a Visual Studio Command-prompt and issue this command at the root of your solution:

tf.exe get /recursive

I’ve worked to remedy this problem with my teams in several ways, including special buttons you can add to your IDE to make getting to the Source Control Explorer window faster. But when pair-programming on someone else’s machine, my buttons aren’t always available so I drop down to command-line as preferred choice. However, this sometimes has mixed results. If the command-line can’t figure out which workspace you’re in, sometimes it will get the latest from all local workspaces.

I don’t have this problem because I structure my workspaces differently than you. Here’s how I do it.

Multiple Workspaces per Client

This step is optional, but I think it’s worth mentioning. Rather than use a single workspace for all clients, I create one or more workspaces that reflect the client that I’m writing code for. To keep this information visible, I name the workspace after the client instead of the computer name.


I separate my TFS-Workspaces by client for a few reasons:

  • Some of my clients have their own repository which requires me to create a workspace for their server.
  • When I finish work with a client, I can safely delete an entire workspace without concern of breaking server-mappings for other clients.

Having multiple workspaces for the same client allows me to check out the same branch more than once. This allows me to:

  • Use an older copy of the source to reproduce a defect, validate unit tests or to run code analysis
  • Work on multiple defects in isolation from one another
  • Try out a refactoring in isolation from current development
  • Code review of a co-worker’s shelve-set

The practice of having multiple workspaces may not be required for all projects, but it’s a good habit to form.

Client Workspaces separated using Folders

As stated above, I create multiple workspaces for each client. In order to keep those workspaces organized, I keep them separated in their own folder using a simple naming convention (A,B,C, etc). This makes it simple to remove an entire workspace when no longer needed.

Building upon the folder structure that I outlined in my last post (Using Windows 7 Libraries to Organize your code), my folder structure for a client looks like this:

Client Workspace Name Folder Location
Client1 Client1-A C:\Projects\Infusion\Code\Client1\A
Client1 Client1-B C:\Projects\Infusion\Code\Client1\B
Client2 Client2-A C:\Projects\Infusion\Code\Client2\A

A,B,C is a simple naming convention, and it doesn’t need to get too fancy. I’ve worked with some projects with some long folder names, but I haven’t yet exceeded the 260 character limit with MSBuild.

Putting it all together

With the above in place, I can check out separate copies of the same branch into different folders: Client1\A\trunk, Client1\B\trunk, etc. Opening a command-prompt at the root of my solution and executing:

tf.exe get /recursive

…gets me just the updated code for that branch. I especially love this approach because I can get latest before I open the solution file, which is immensely helpful because I don’t have to wait for Visual Studio to reload projects if they’ve changed.

Code happy.

Organize your Code with Libraries (redux)

A while back, I mentioned how I was using the Document Library feature of Windows 7 to organize the different types of content on my machine. This approach has worked very well for me since I started, though I have made one small adjustment from the original post: I was keeping both my project documents and code files in the same folder and I’ve since deviated from that. At the time this made sense to keep the documents and source code as close together as possible, but it wasn’t very practical in terms of navigating the code from Visual Studio or when working with multiple TFS workspaces.

Here’s an updated snippet from the original post. My “Code” library is comprised of the following folders:

    • C:\Projects\Infusion\Code (my employer) 3
    • C:\Projects\lib (group of common libraries I reference a lot) now using Nuget for this.
    • C:\Projects\Experiments (small proof of concept projects)
    • C:\Projects\Personal (my pet projects)

The main difference is that I’ve added the “Code” folder as the primary container for all my work-related source. Each client that I work with gets their own folder below this root, which provides a convenient way to navigate all of my work projects.

I also now use a “Projects” library that contains an entry for each client. I like this approach because I can set a particular library entry as the default save location, so any time I create a document and click “Save” it will get dumped into a folder for my current client. Here’s a quick peek at my sanitized Project Library.


My next post will show how I organize my Visual Studio workspaces within this structure.

Monday, February 20, 2012

My first month with Kanban

Just before the Christmas break, I took over an existing project that was approaching a major milestone. It's a great project: a small team, working with a high profile client to build a modular MS Surface application that ships a new release every few months.

You would think that taking over a project in the late stages of development would be a bad thing, however it's been fairly positive experience. Although the project suffered in the beginning as our bandwidth was reduced while I was ramping up, the opportunity to introduce a fresh set of eyes with a different perspective has allowed the team to innovate and challenge their assumptions (I’d like to think it’s been for the better).

One initiative that I felt that the project needed was some form of Agile methodology.  Although we had a set of high level stories that we knew had to be implemented, there was no breakdown of the tasks or ability to gauge progress. Despite this obvious need, I knew Agile was going to be a tough sell: the project has a highly dynamic, fast pace environment where requirements and tasks change daily. Adopting a full-on Agile agile process seemed too formal. I might be able to establish a backlog, maybe some task estimates -- but trying to establish planned iterations with client involvement? Not a chance. Besides, I'd likely wind up losing a good chunk of my day managing the status of tasks and justifying burn down charts to management.

This was a great opportunity to try something new. I had heard about Kanban before, but didn't understand it enough to put it into practice. I found this great eBook (free) that explains Kanban by outlining the differences between Scrum and Kanban. I highly, highly recommend. Download it now.

The following is an account of how we put Kanban in place…

Kanban in a nutshell

Kanban is a very lean process methodology that is based on a subset of agile/scrum. Whereas Scrum comes with rules about how to work with iterations and stories, Kanban comes with nearly no rules at all. In fact, you often have to add your own rules to Kanban in order to align it to your project/organization.

At a high level, Kanban is all about visualizing the work as a workflow on a "Kanban board". User stories are often depicted using sticky-notes, and they travel through the workflow on the board. Although you could easily do the same thing with Scrum, the key difference is that a scrum board would be reset at the end of the iteration. Kanban doesn't have the concept of iterations, so the board is the project.

Visualizing our Workflow

Before we could dive into realizing our project in a sticky-note form, we collaborated a bit to determine what our development workflow would look like. Although our process utilizes graphic designers from time to time, we decided to limit the scope of our Kanban board to the development pipeline only.

As mentioned previously, our process for this project isn’t very well defined. The majority of our work is based on a SharePoint list that our client has access to, and we log defects and work items there. Each day, we pull things from the list and work on them until we reach a deadline for a release or have completed all tasks to the best of our ability. It’s not the best system, but it’s just enough to work. The team decided that the best place to start with our Kanban workflow was in the middle where we were most involved, so we’d have two columns to represent the development tasks:

  • In progress: Items that the team is actively working on.
  • Done: Items that the team has completed development and are ready for testing.

Of course, our process doesn’t end once development is complete. From here, we package up a release and deploy it to a local Surface device in the office where other members of the team can see our progress. The team decided that we should do this more frequently and with some consistency, so we added another column for this:

  • Surface: Items that have been deployed to a local surface machine for verification. If we identify problems with any of these features, they go back to the beginning of our process.

Eventually, once all the stories and tasks have been completed, we bundle up our changes and deploy it to our client’s surface machine for their testing and feedback. The process repeats until the client accepts the current package and it is released to their Surface machines. We represent these steps with another two columns:

  • Client: Items that have been deployed to the clients’ location. It’s rare that stories are rejected by the client, but there’s often a lot of feedback that gets added to the beginning of our pipeline.
  • Live: Items that have shipped.

At this point in the exercise, we’ve captured how things are currently executed on this project. The astute will recognize that the beginning of the workflow is lacking definition – I’ve not outlined how we account for tasks that aren’t actively being worked on, or how effort is prioritized. I’ve deliberately left this out, partly because I feel the pipeline has two distinct parts (an incoming and outgoing flow) but mainly because it’s a good way to explain one of Kanban’s core features: work-in-progress limits.

Keeping the team focused by establishing Limits

Clearly, our workflow will have a column that represents a backlog for our remaining effort. Although I could add it to the beginning of our workflow, which would make our Kanban board look a lot like a standard Scrum burn-down chart, there isn’t anything that would prevent us from falling into our old habits. In a highly dynamic project like this one, there’s a constant barrage of client requests and other noise that is beset with a sense of immediate urgency – most tasks get assigned to a developer and go straight to an “In Progress” state as they arrive. Essentially, if there aren’t any rules about when things are allowed to be considered In Progress, then there aren’t any reasonable expectations for the schedule of that work. This creates a real problem with managing client expectations and keeping track of what tasks people are actually working on. While there’s something to be said about multi-tasking, a team without focus gets nothing done.

To resolve this issue, we take advantage of one of Kanban’s unique features. At the top of our In Progress column, we add a number that represents the maximum limit for items in that column. This is known as a work-in-progress (WIP) limit. Since developers only have one head and two hands, we assume that developers should only work on one task at a time. This is easy math for a team of two developers.

By limiting our In Progress items to 2 we put a spotlight on the items that the team is actively working on, but this also creates a visibility problem about which items will be worked on next. To help visualize the priority of items, we add another column:

  • Accepted: These are the work items that the developers will work on after they complete the In Progress tasks. We refer to them being as “Accepted” because the development team has reviewed the tasks and has committed to delivering these features.

To prevent the Accepted column from getting bloated, we give it a WIP limit of 4. This ensures that the developers have just enough prioritized items in their queue to keep them busy for the day. We could go higher, but 4 is a very manageable number.

Adding Rules and Events

As mentioned previously, Kanban doesn’t have many rules and you need to add your own to suit your needs. Here are a few rules that we’ve established:

  • Our project manager is not able to manage any of the columns except the Accepted and Backlog columns. This means he plays a key role in helping to direct the work towards client expectations. Indirectly this also means that he’s not able to interfere with work in progress.
  • When the Done column has enough items (we’re still trying to figure out a proper WIP for Done) we halt development and deploy what we have to our local Surface machine. We do this to keep the amount of regression testing to a minimum.
  • Before we deploy to the client environment, we must validate the work items against the local surface machine. This ensures that we use the same installation media, and use the items in our Surface column as a list of regression tests. We are actively looking to automate our deployment process so that we can deploy more frequently.

Results so Far

There are some really interesting side-effects from implementing our Kanban board:


  • The most notable impact is that our stand-ups have changed considerably. Rather than spending 15-20 amnesiac minutes trying to remind each other what each of us did 16 hours ago, we spend a few minutes reviewing the current items on the board and prioritizing next steps. We then talk about the issues. It’s a night-and-day difference from previous projects.
  • Having the board highly visible on our wall simplifies communication and makes managing the tasks much easier. We get immediate feedback when a developer finishes a task because they have to get up from their desk and physically move their item to another column. And since we have an Accepted column that contains prioritized ready-to-go items, there’s never any guess work or wasted allocation trying to figure out what developers should do next.
  • The visual representation of the board makes it easy to gauge the health of the pipeline. If the Accepted column is full at the beginning of the day, I’ll likely get a few extra cycles to focus on development tasks. If the Accepted column is low, I can quickly scan the backlog and determine if we’re going to have any issues.
  • There’s some interesting metrics that come out of tracking the status of the board daily, something I’ll likely write more about in another post. But in short, I count up the number of items in each column at the beginning of the day and add a small journal note that summarizes the changes in the board.  From this I can easily track our last deployment and where the backlog changed.


There are a few minor challenges we’ve encountered:

  • From a project management perspective, it’s difficult to gauge remaining effort in hours. Although we’ve applied a sizing rank to our tasks (Small, Medium, Large – where large is 8 hours), it’s difficult to glance at the board and determine if we’ll make a target date. The Kanban eBook suggests that all post-it notes on the board should have the same weight which would solve this problem, but we are still struggling how to group and organize our tasks to fit within this concept.
  • The board only works when we’re all in the office. I’ve adjusted the columns in our SharePoint list to align closely to our board, and there is some duplication of effort trying to keep the board in sync. The system that I’ve found to work best is to ensure that all tasks are born within SharePoint, and they’re considered Pending until there’s a post-it note on our Kanban board. Periodically throughout the week, I spend a few minutes updating our SharePoint list to reflect the board’s current status. The SharePoint list acts as a digital memory that can provide additional details and attachments, but the board is the most accurate representation. There are still some discrepancies between the two systems, and we either need some formal process or tweaks to make this work better.


For the last month, the team has been putting the final touches on a release which has involved completing some features and fixing defects. This type of work changes daily and our Kanban board has allowed us to visualize the outstanding work in a meaningful way. We’ve started having scheduled retrospectives to gather feedback and adjust our process. Generally, that feedback has been positive and we’ve course corrected a few times for the better. The true test will come shortly when we start working on the next release – will the Kanban format work or should we adopt formal sprints?

As a final word, I feel it’s important to mention the feedback that I’ve received from other teams. Some glance at our board and are intrigued, others look at the post-it notes as archaic technology and feel that our process could be brought into the 21st century with some software package. While there may be a great software package for this, the eBook warns about this – all developers will have this reaction. Our Kanban board requires no licenses, doesn’t take time to boot, responds instantly to tactile input and is always on. Besides, there is no equivalent software package that allows you to ceremoniously march a stack of post-it notes around the room as they go live.

Happy coding.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Execute Batch from Visual Studio

Since as long as I can remember, I’ve kept a command-line window open while I worked. It’s a warm fuzzy feeling of how computers used to work. I tend to structure commonly used tasks as msbuild or nant scripts, and then add handy batch files that pass the appropriate parameters to the script.

Unfortunately, most of my team-mates don’t live in the command-line, so running a batch file breaks their traditional flow.

Here’s a short tip on how to execute batch files without having to leave the comfort of the IDE. You’ve probably seen this tip before, but as always, I often use my blog as a digital memory. If it helps you, great.

Visual Studio supports the ability to associate tools and alternate editors for different files. Adding support for batch files is simply a matter of opening the context-menu for a file and choosing “Open With..”. Unfortunately, there’s no mechanism to supply parameters to your program, so adding support for a Command Prompt requires a small subtle hack that passes our parameters to the program we want.

To Associate Batch files to a Custom Command

First, we need to create a simple batch file that passes the arguments that Visual Studio provides onto our batch file.

  1. If you haven't already, add your batch file to your solution. These are best treated as Solution items that aren’t part of your compilation process.
  2. Open notepad and save the following script as C:\ExecuteBatch.cmd
@cmd /c %1

Once this is in place,

  1. Associate the batch file in Visual Studio to the command line by right-clicking on the batch file and choose "Open With...".
  2. In the dialog that appears, provide a name and associate it to the ExecuteBatch.cmd.


Optional: You can associate the Command as the default program for this extension, by selecting your custom command and clicking on the “Set as Default” button. Note that if you edit the file frequently you might want to skip this step, but you’ll have to right-click the file and choose “Open With…” anytime you want to run your custom command.

Gotchas & Caveats

Just a few closing points:

  • If you set your custom command as the default, note that there is no confirmation if you accidentally double-click the batch file. If your script is potentially destructive or long-running, you might want to add a prompt at the beginning of the batch file before running.
  • The ExecuteBatch.cmd provided above will close the window immediately after the batch terminates. If you want to review the output of the script before the window closes, you might want to add a pause to the end of the script.
  • Lastly, when adding new scripts to Visual Studio it will perform the default action when the file is added to the solution. If you don’t want to run the script when the file is added, you might want to temporarily assign a different editor (Source Code Editor) before you precede.

Happy Coding.