Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Dynamically hiding Cells in a TableView

Suppose you have a fixed list of items that you want to display in a Xamarin.Forms TableView, but you want some rows and sections of that table to be hidden. Unfortunately, there isn’t a convenient IsVisible property on the TableSection or Cell elements that we can bind to, and the only way to manipulate them is through code. Here’s a quick look on how to collapse our Cells and Sections using an Attached Property.

Take this example layout:


        <TableView Intent="Settings">
                <TableSection Title="Group 1">
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 1" />
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 2" />
                <TableSection Title="Group 2">
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 3" />
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 4" />


In the above, I have two TableSection elements that contain two very simple SwitchCell elements. A lot of the detail has been omitted for clarity, but let's assume that I want the ability to only show certain settings to the user. Perhaps each setting is controlled by a special backend entitlement logic, and I want to bind that visibility for each cell through my ViewModel.

We'll create an attached property that can hide our cells:

public class CellEx

    public static BindableProperty CollapsedProperty =
            defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWay,
            propertyChanged: OnCollapsedChanged);

    public static bool GetCollapsed(BindableObject target)
        return (bool)target.GetValue(CollapsedProperty);

    public static void SetCollapsed(BindableObject target, bool value)
        target.SetValue(CollapsedProperty, value);

    private static void OnCollapsedChanged(BindableObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue)
        // do work with cell

The OnCollapsedChanged event handler is called when the bound value of the BindableProperty is first set and we’ll use it to obtain a reference to the Cell. As the binding is potentially invoked before the UI is fully initialized we’ll need to defer our changes until it’s ready:

private static void OnCollapsedChanged(BindableObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue)
    var view = sender as Cell;
    bool isVisible = (bool)newValue;
    if (view != null)
        // the parent isn't available until the page has loaded.
        if (view.Parent == null)
            view.Appearing += (o,e) => 
                ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(view, isVisible);
            ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(view, isVisible);

Once we have an initialized Cell, we need to obtain a reference to the containing TableSection. As a twist, the Parent of the Cell is the root TableView, so we must traverse the entire table downward to find the correct TableSection. Since a TableView only contains a fixed list of cells, scanning the entire table shouldn't be too troublesome at all:

private static void ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(Cell cell, bool isVisible)
    var table = (TableView)cell.Parent;
    TableSection container = FindContainingTableSection(table, cell);
    if (container != null)
        if (!isVisible)
            // do work to hide cell

private static TableSection FindContainingTableSection(TableView table, Cell cell)
    foreach(var section in table.Root)
        foreach(var child in section)
            if (child == cell)
                return section;

    return null;

Lastly, once we've obtained the necessary references, we can simply manipulate the TableSection contents. To ensure this works on all platforms, this code must execute on the UI thread:

if (!isVisible)

    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => 
        // remove the cell from the section

        // remove the section from the table if it's empty
        if (container.Count == 0)

We can then bind the visibility of our cells to the attached property:


                <TableSection Title="Group 1">
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 1" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting1Visible}" />
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 2" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting2Visible}" />
                <TableSection Title="Group 2">
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 3" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting3Visible}" />
                    <SwitchCell Title="Setting 4" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting4Visible}" />


This works great and can dynamically hide individual cells or an entire section if needed. The largest caveat to this approach is that it only hides cells and won’t re-introduce them into the view when the binding changes. This is entirely plausible as you could cache the cells in a local variable and re-insert them programmatically, but you’d need to remember the containing section and appropriate indexes. I’d leave that to you dear reader, or I may rise to the challenge if I determine I really want to re-activate these cells in my app.

Happy coding!

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