Monday, September 18, 2017

Extension methods for Caliburn.Micro SimpleContainer

Caliburn.Micro ships with an aptly named basic inversion of control container called SimpleContainer. The container satisfies most scenarios, but I’ve discovered a few minor concerns when registering classes that support more than one interface.

Suppose I have a class that implements two interfaces: IApplicationService and IMetricsProvider:

public class MetricsService : IApplicationService, IMetricsProvider
    #region IApplicationService
    public void Initialize()
        // initialize metrics...

    #region IMetricsProvider
    public void IncrementMetric(string metricName)
        // do something with metrics...

The IApplicationService is a pattern I usually implement where I want to configure a bunch of background services during application startup, and the IMetricsProvider is a class that will be consumed elsewhere in the system. It's not a perfect example, but it'll do for our conversation...

The SimpleContainer implementation doesn't have a good way of registering this class twice without registering them as separate instances. I really want the same instance to be used for both of these interfaces. Typically, to work around this issue, I might do something like this:

var container = new SimpleContainer();


var metrics = container.GetInstance<IMetricsProvider>();

This isn't ideal though it will work in trivial examples. Unfortunately, this approach can fail if the class has additional constructor dependencies. In that scenario, the order in which I register and resolve dependencies becomes critical. If you resolve in the wrong order, the container injects null instances.

To work around this issue, here's a simple extension method:

public static class SimpleContainerExtensions
    public static SimpleContainerRegistration RegisterSingleton<TImplementation>(this SimpleContainer container, string key = null)
        return new SimpleContainerRegistration(container, typeof(TImplementation), key);
    class SimpleContainerRegistration
        private readonly SimpleContainer _container;
        private readonly Type _implementationType;
        private readonly string _key;
        public SimpleContainerRegistration(SimpleContainer container, Type type, string key)
            _container = container;
            _implementationType = type;
            _key = key;
        public SimpleContainerRegistration AlsoAs<TInterface>()
            container.RegisterHandler(typeof(TInterface), key, container => container.GetInstance(_implementationType, _key));
            return this;

This registers the class as a singleton and allows me to chain additional handlers for each required interface. Like so:

var container = new SimpleContainer();


Happy coding!

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