Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Unit testing Xamarin.Forms

As a TDD Evangelist, I’m well aware of the dichotomy between desired and actual testing practices. It can be hard to write tests when we’re rapid prototyping, and we can convince ourselves that we’re writing testable code, but at some point, you need to establish some testing practices before things scale beyond your reach. This week I’ve been looking at some code where I supported the engineering team but unit testing wasn’t our top priority. I’m glad that I helped shape the code with testability in mind, but now that I’m writing unit tests for the code I’m discovering fallacies in our thinking and areas that are proving difficult to test.

Still, I’ve managed to go from 0% to 50% code coverage in about 10 days which is promising. I’m also hopeful that there’ll be lots more code in testable areas so this number should only trend upward. These last few days I’ve been looking at squeezing out a few extra tests for some of the custom behaviors and I quickly discovered that testing code for visual elements is challenging. Here’s a breakdown of how I’m approaching testing for Xamarin.Forms.

Project Setup

First off, since 90% of my logic resides within the shared PCL layer my focus is on writing unit tests for ViewModels, Services and Behaviors. Some services are platform specific and for those I will likely need to test using Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android, but for the PCL layer I’m using MSTest and .NET 4.6. The choice for using a .NET library instead of Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android is largely for convience and speed of running the tests as they don’t require an emulator or device, and I’m also targetting UWP so I have to compile on a windows machine regardless. I also want to leverage a mocking framework like Moq which won’t work correctly on Mono.


For unit testing my ViewModels, I wrote a simple extension to Caliburn.Micro’s dependency container that can automatically fill my viewmodels with fake dependencies.

public class TestContainer : SimpleContainer
    public T CreateSubject<T>()
        Type targetType = typeof(T);

        var greedyConstructor = targetType
            .OrderByDescending(i => i.GetParameters().Length)

        foreach(var arg in greedyConstructor.GetParameters())
            // handle IEnumerable<T> in constructor
            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(arg.ParameterType))
                var genericType = arg.ParameterType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                // ensure we have at least one item in the array
                if (!HasHandler(genericType, null))
                if (!HasHandler(arg.ParameterType, null))


        return this.GetInstance<T>();
    public Mock<T> GetMock<T>() where T : class
        var obj = this.GetInstance<T>();
        if (obj == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Mock is not directly used by the subject.");

        return Mock.Get(obj);

    public Mock<T> GetMock<T>(int index) where T : class
        var instances = this.GetAllInstances<T>();

        return Mock.Get(instances.ToArray()[index]);

    public Mock<T> AddMock<T>(params Type[] interfaces) where T : class
        var mock = new Mock<T>();

        if (interfaces.Length > 0)
            var asMethodInfo = mock.GetType().GetMethod("As");
            foreach(var def in interfaces)
                var method = asMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(def);
                method.Invoke(mock, null);

        var instance = mock.Object;

        RegisterInstance(typeof(T), null, instance);
        foreach (var def in interfaces)
            RegisterHandler(def, null, container => instance);

        return mock;

    private Mock CreateAndInsertMock(Type targetType)
        var method = this.GetType().GetMethod("AddMock").MakeGenericMethod(targetType);
        return (Mock)method.Invoke(this, new object[] { new Type[] { } } );

This coupled with a base test fixture really helped to get my viewmodels under the test microscope quickly.

public abstract class BaseViewModelTest<T> where T : BaseScreen
    private TestContainer _container;    

    protected T Subject { get; set; }

    public virtual void Setup()
        _container = new TestContainer();
        Subject = _container.CreateSubject<T>();

    protected Mock<TDependency> Get<TDependency>() where TDependency : class
        reutnr _container.GetMock<TDependency>();

    protected Mock<TDependency> Set<TDependency>() where TDependency : class
        return _container.AddMock<TDependency>();

    protected void Activate()
        var activatable = Subject as Caliburn.Micro.IActivate;
        if (activatable != null)

public class HomeScreenTests : BaseViewModelTest<HomeScreenViewModel>
    public override void Setup()

        // additional setup

    // Tests...

Testing UI Elements

As I started writing unit tests for controls and behaviors, I realized that any Xamarin.Forms UI element was going to require the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() method to be invoked, which would not work for my test project. Further investigation revealed that most of the plumbing within Xamarin is marked as internal or with the [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] which makes it impossible for us to initialize with mocks …externally. The only way to get at these internals is through the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.

Fortunately, Xamarin MVP Jon Peppers has discovered the same issue and realized a small security flaw in Xamarin’s usage of [InternalsVisibleTo]. Since their usage doesn’t require the use of a public key, anyone can access these internals if they name their assembly a certain way. Jon has published a nuget package that contains Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests.dll assembly. His dummy versions act as a great stand-in for bypassing the platform dependencies allowing us to write tests for simple functionality instead of platform behavior.

My next few posts will cover a few practical examples.

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