As of this morning, I posted a new version of my Xamarin.Forms with Caliburn.Micro Starter Kit on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
This video provides a quick walk-through of using the template.
Living idyllically in a .NET, C#, TDD world
As of this morning, I posted a new version of my Xamarin.Forms with Caliburn.Micro Starter Kit on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
This video provides a quick walk-through of using the template.
9:04 AM
Hey all! I’ve bundled my walkthrough of setting up a Xamarin.Forms to use Caliburn.Micro for Android, iOS and UWP into a Visual Studio Project Template and made it available in the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery.
You can download it directly here, or from within Visual Studio: Tools –> Extensions and Updates –> Online.
Update 10/18/2017:
As a multi-project, it’s very straight forward to use, simply choose File –> New and select “Xamarin.Forms with Caliburn.Micro”
Will create a project with the following structure:
Which, when run (on your platform of choosing) looks like this screenshot below. This is right where we left off from my walk-through earlier this year and is a great starting point for prototyping or building your next app.
The source code for the starter kit can be found here. Let me know what you think!
9:03 AM
Earlier this year I provided a walkthrough of setting up a Xamarin.Forms project that leveraged Caliburn.Micro for Android, iOS and UWP. I had big plans for extracting the contents of that walkthrough and providing it as a NuGet package. Plans changed however, and I’ve decided to package the entire solution as a Multi-Project Template and provide it as an add-on to Visual Studio (VSIX). This post introduces provides a walk-through on how to create multi-project templates.
First off, as an aside, let’s go back and look what I wanted to do. I wanted to provide a starter-kit of files that would jump start your efforts and allow you to modify my provided files as you see fit. As a NuGet package, I can deliver these files to any project simply by adding these loose code files in the content folder of the NuGet package. Two things that are really awesome about this: the code files can be treated as source code transforms by changing their extension to *.pp, and through platform targeting I could deliver different content files per platform (Xamarin.iOS10, Xamarin.Android10, uap10.0, etc). With this approach, you would simply create a new Xamarin.Forms project then add the NuGet package to all projects. Bam. Easy.
But there are a few problems with this approach:
Above all else, the NuGet documentation clearly states that these files should be treated immutable and not intended to be modified by the consuming project. And since the best place to add the package is immediately after you create the project using a Visual Studio Template, why not just make a Template?
While Multi-Project Templates have been around for a while, their tooling has improved considerably over the last few releases of Visual Studio. Although there isn’t a feature to export an entire solution as a multi-project, they conceptually work the same way as creating a single project template and then tweaking it slightly.
There are two ways to create a Project Template. The first and easiest is simply to select Project –> Export Template. The wizard that appears will prompt you for a Project and places your template in the My Exported Templates folder.
The second approach requires you to install the Visual Studio SDK, which can be found as an option in the initial installer. When you have the SDK installed, you can create a Project Template as an item in your solution. This project includes the necessary vstemplate files and produces the packaged template every time you build.
Effectively, a Project Template is just a zip file with a .vstemplate file in it. A Multi-Project Template has a single .vstemplate that points to templates in subfolders. Here’s how I created mine:
Using the Visual Studio SDK, I created a Project Template project to my solution and modified the VSTemplate file with the appropriate details:
<VSTemplate Version="2.0.0" Type="ProjectGroup" xmlns=""> <TemplateData> <Name>Xamarin.Forms with Caliburn.Micro</Name> <Description>Xamarin.Forms project with PCL library.</Description> <ProjectType>CSharp</ProjectType> <Icon>_icon.ico</Icon> <DefaultName>App</DefaultName> <ProvideDefaultName>true</ProvideDefaultName> <CreateNewFolder>true</CreateNewFolder> <RequiredFrameworkVersion>2.0</RequiredFrameworkVersion> <SortOrder>1000</SortOrder> <TemplateID>Your ID HERE</TemplateID> </TemplateData> <TemplateContent/> </VSTemplate>
Next, simply export all the projects in your solution that you want to include in your template. The Project –> Export Template dialog looks like this:
Once you’ve exported the projects as templates take each of the zip files and extract them into a subfolder of your Template Project. Then, in Visual Studio, include these extracted subfolders as part of the project. Note that Visual Studio will assign a default Action for each file, so code files will be set to Compile, images will be set as EmbeddedResource, etc. You’ll have to go through each of these files and change the default action to Content, copy if newer. It’s a pain, and I found it easier to unload the project and manually edit the csproj file directly.
Now that we have the embedded projects included in the output, we need to modify the template to point to these embedded templates. Visual Studio has a set of reserved keywords that can be used in the vstemplate and code transforms; $safeprojectname$ is a reserved keyword that represents the name of the current project. My vstemplate names the referenced templates after the name that was provided by the user:
<VSTemplate Version="2.0.0" Type="ProjectGroup" xmlns=""> <TemplateData> ... </TemplateData> <TemplateContent> <ProjectCollection> <ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="$safeprojectname$" CopyParameters="true">XF\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink> <ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="$safeprojectname$.Android" CopyParameters="true">XF.Android\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink> <ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="$safeprojectname$.UWP" CopyParameters="true">XF.UWP\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink> <ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="$safeprojectname$.iOS" CopyParameters="true">XF.iOS\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink> </ProjectCollection> </TemplateContent> </VSTemplate>
If the ProjectName is omitted, it will use the name within the embedded template.
To ensure the project compiles, we must fix the project references to the PCL library in the iOS, Android and UWP projects. Here we leverage an interesting feature of Multi-Project templates – Visual Studio provides special reserved keywords for accessing properties of the root template project. In this case, we can reference the safeprojectname of the root project using the $ext_safeprojectname$ reserved keyword. And because project references use a GUID to refer to the referenced project, we can provide the PCL project with a GUID that will be known to all the child projects – in this case, we can use $ext_guid1$.
The <ProjectGuid> element in the PCL Project must be configured to use the shared GUID:
<PropertyGroup> <MinimumVisualStudioVersion>11.0</MinimumVisualStudioVersion> <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration> <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform> <ProjectGuid>{$ext_guid1$}</ProjectGuid> <OutputType>Library</OutputType> <AppDesignerFolder>Properties</AppDesignerFolder> <RootNamespace>$safeprojectname$</RootNamespace> <AssemblyName>$safeprojectname$</AssemblyName> <FileAlignment>512</FileAlignment> <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> <TargetFrameworkProfile>Profile259</TargetFrameworkProfile> <ProjectTypeGuids>{786C830F-07A1-408B-BD7F-6EE04809D6DB};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}</ProjectTypeGuids> <NuGetPackageImportStamp> </NuGetPackageImportStamp> </PropertyGroup>
In the projects that reference the PCL, the path to the project, project GUID and Name must be also be modified:
<ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="..\$ext_safeprojectname$\$ext_safeprojectname$.csproj"> <Project>{$ext_guid1$}</Project> <Name>$ext_projectname$</Name> </ProjectReference> </ItemGroup>
Lastly, there will be some other fix-ups you will need to apply. These are things like original project names that appear in manifest files, etc. The templating engine can make changes to any type of file, but you may need to verify that these files have the ReplaceParameters attribute set to True in the .vstemplate file.
With this in place, you can simply compile the Project Template and copy the zip to ProjectTemplates folder. Optionally, you can add a VSIX project to the solution that you can use to bundle our Project Template as an installer that you can distribute to users via the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery.
Happy coding!
9:53 AM
So in my last post, I outlined how I’m unit testing my Xamarin.Forms projects. Today, I want to highlight a practical example of unit testing a Behavior.
Let’s take a simple behavior that prevents item selection in a ListView:
public class DisableListViewSelection : Behavior<ListView> { private ListView _attached; protected override void OnAttachedTo(ListView bindable) { _attached = bindable; if (_attached != null) { _attached.ItemSelected += Bindable_ItemSelected; } } protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ListView bindable) { if (_attached != null) { _attached.ItemSelected -= Bindable_ItemSelected; } } private void Bindable_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { _attached.SelectedItem = null; } }
Unit testing the behavior should be straight forward but there are a few gotchas.
The first concern is that we're testing a visual that requires Xamarin.Forms to be initialized using Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init();. This is easily addressed using the Xamarin.Forms.Mocks nuget package I mentioned in my last post.
The second concern is that the Behavior<T> implementation explicitly implements the IAttachedObject interface which is marked as internal. We can address this with some Reflection hackery.
I’ve addressed both concerns with the following base test fixture:
public abstract class BaseBehaviorTests<TSubjectBehavior, TTargetElement> : INotifyPropertyChanged where TSubjectBehavior : Behavior<TTargetElement>, new() where TTargetElement : BindableObject, new() { private BindingFlags _bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; public TTargetElement ContainingElement { get; set; } public TSubjectBehavior Subject { get; set; } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public virtual void Setup() { Xamarin.Forms.Mocks.MockForms.Init(); Subject = new TSubjectBehavior(); ContainingElement = new TTargetElement(); } protected virtual void Attach() { Subject.GetType().GetMethod("Xamarin.Forms.IAttachedObject.AttachTo", _bindingFlags).Invoke(Subject, new object[] { ContainingElement }); } protected virtual void Detach() { Subject.GetType().GetMethod("Xamarin.Forms.IAttachedObject.DetachFrom", _bindingFlags).Invoke(Subject, new object[] { ContainingElement }); } protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } }
Take a quick peek at the Attach/Detach methods. The IAttachedObject.AttachTo method is explicitly implemented on the class so we have to use the full namespace of the method to resolve it. If it was implicitly implemented, we could simply use "AttachTo".
Now that we have this test fixture capability, writing a test for our DisableListViewSelectionBehavior is dead simple:
[TestClass] public class DisableListViewSelectionBehaviorTests : BaseBehaviorTests<DisableListViewSelection, ListView> { List<object> _list = new List<object>(); [TestInitialize] public override void Setup() { _list.Add(new object()); base.Setup(); } [TestMethod] public void WhenSelectingItem_AndAttachedToBehavior_ShouldUnselectedItem() { // arrange Attach(); ContainingElement.ItemsSource = _list; // act ContainingElement.SelectedItem = _list.First(); // assert ContainingElement.SelectedItem.ShouldBeNull(); } [TestMethod] public void WhenSelectingItem_AndDetachedFromBehavior_ShouldKeepSelectedItem() { // arrange Detach(); ContainingElement.ItemsSource = _list; // act ContainingElement.SelectedItem = _list.First(); // assert ContainingElement.SelectedItem.ShouldNotBeNull(); } }
Well, that's all for now. My next post will look at behaviors with data binding.
Happy coding!
9:54 AM
As a TDD Evangelist, I’m well aware of the dichotomy between desired and actual testing practices. It can be hard to write tests when we’re rapid prototyping, and we can convince ourselves that we’re writing testable code, but at some point, you need to establish some testing practices before things scale beyond your reach. This week I’ve been looking at some code where I supported the engineering team but unit testing wasn’t our top priority. I’m glad that I helped shape the code with testability in mind, but now that I’m writing unit tests for the code I’m discovering fallacies in our thinking and areas that are proving difficult to test.
Still, I’ve managed to go from 0% to 50% code coverage in about 10 days which is promising. I’m also hopeful that there’ll be lots more code in testable areas so this number should only trend upward. These last few days I’ve been looking at squeezing out a few extra tests for some of the custom behaviors and I quickly discovered that testing code for visual elements is challenging. Here’s a breakdown of how I’m approaching testing for Xamarin.Forms.
First off, since 90% of my logic resides within the shared PCL layer my focus is on writing unit tests for ViewModels, Services and Behaviors. Some services are platform specific and for those I will likely need to test using Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android, but for the PCL layer I’m using MSTest and .NET 4.6. The choice for using a .NET library instead of Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android is largely for convience and speed of running the tests as they don’t require an emulator or device, and I’m also targetting UWP so I have to compile on a windows machine regardless. I also want to leverage a mocking framework like Moq which won’t work correctly on Mono.
For unit testing my ViewModels, I wrote a simple extension to Caliburn.Micro’s dependency container that can automatically fill my viewmodels with fake dependencies.
public class TestContainer : SimpleContainer { public T CreateSubject<T>() { Type targetType = typeof(T); var greedyConstructor = targetType .GetConstructors() .OrderByDescending(i => i.GetParameters().Length) .FirstOrDefault(); foreach(var arg in greedyConstructor.GetParameters()) { // handle IEnumerable<T> in constructor if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(arg.ParameterType)) { var genericType = arg.ParameterType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; // ensure we have at least one item in the array if (!HasHandler(genericType, null)) { CreateAndInsertMock(genericType); } } else { if (!HasHandler(arg.ParameterType, null)) { CreateAndInsertMock(arg.ParameterType); } } } this.PerRequest<T>(); return this.GetInstance<T>(); } public Mock<T> GetMock<T>() where T : class { var obj = this.GetInstance<T>(); if (obj == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Mock is not directly used by the subject."); } return Mock.Get(obj); } public Mock<T> GetMock<T>(int index) where T : class { var instances = this.GetAllInstances<T>(); return Mock.Get(instances.ToArray()[index]); } public Mock<T> AddMock<T>(params Type[] interfaces) where T : class { var mock = new Mock<T>(); mock.SetupAllProperties(); if (interfaces.Length > 0) { var asMethodInfo = mock.GetType().GetMethod("As"); foreach(var def in interfaces) { var method = asMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(def); method.Invoke(mock, null); } } var instance = mock.Object; RegisterInstance(typeof(T), null, instance); foreach (var def in interfaces) { RegisterHandler(def, null, container => instance); } return mock; } private Mock CreateAndInsertMock(Type targetType) { var method = this.GetType().GetMethod("AddMock").MakeGenericMethod(targetType); return (Mock)method.Invoke(this, new object[] { new Type[] { } } ); } }
This coupled with a base test fixture really helped to get my viewmodels under the test microscope quickly.
public abstract class BaseViewModelTest<T> where T : BaseScreen { private TestContainer _container; protected T Subject { get; set; } public virtual void Setup() { _container = new TestContainer(); Subject = _container.CreateSubject<T>(); } protected Mock<TDependency> Get<TDependency>() where TDependency : class { reutnr _container.GetMock<TDependency>(); } protected Mock<TDependency> Set<TDependency>() where TDependency : class { return _container.AddMock<TDependency>(); } protected void Activate() { var activatable = Subject as Caliburn.Micro.IActivate; if (activatable != null) { activatable.Activate(); } } } [TestClass] public class HomeScreenTests : BaseViewModelTest<HomeScreenViewModel> { [TestInitialize] public override void Setup() { base.Setup(); // additional setup } // Tests... }
As I started writing unit tests for controls and behaviors, I realized that any Xamarin.Forms UI element was going to require the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() method to be invoked, which would not work for my test project. Further investigation revealed that most of the plumbing within Xamarin is marked as internal or with the [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] which makes it impossible for us to initialize with mocks …externally. The only way to get at these internals is through the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.
Fortunately, Xamarin MVP Jon Peppers has discovered the same issue and realized a small security flaw in Xamarin’s usage of [InternalsVisibleTo]. Since their usage doesn’t require the use of a public key, anyone can access these internals if they name their assembly a certain way. Jon has published a nuget package that contains Xamarin.Forms.Core.UnitTests.dll assembly. His dummy versions act as a great stand-in for bypassing the platform dependencies allowing us to write tests for simple functionality instead of platform behavior.
My next few posts will cover a few practical examples.
2:28 PM
Caliburn.Micro ships with an aptly named basic inversion of control container called SimpleContainer. The container satisfies most scenarios, but I’ve discovered a few minor concerns when registering classes that support more than one interface.
Suppose I have a class that implements two interfaces: IApplicationService and IMetricsProvider:
public class MetricsService : IApplicationService, IMetricsProvider { #region IApplicationService public void Initialize() { // initialize metrics... } #endregion #region IMetricsProvider public void IncrementMetric(string metricName) { // do something with metrics... } #endregion }
The IApplicationService is a pattern I usually implement where I want to configure a bunch of background services during application startup, and the IMetricsProvider is a class that will be consumed elsewhere in the system. It's not a perfect example, but it'll do for our conversation...
The SimpleContainer implementation doesn't have a good way of registering this class twice without registering them as separate instances. I really want the same instance to be used for both of these interfaces. Typically, to work around this issue, I might do something like this:
var container = new SimpleContainer(); container.Singleton<IMetricsProvider,MetricsService>(); var metrics = container.GetInstance<IMetricsProvider>(); container.Instance<IApplicationService>(metrics);
This isn't ideal though it will work in trivial examples. Unfortunately, this approach can fail if the class has additional constructor dependencies. In that scenario, the order in which I register and resolve dependencies becomes critical. If you resolve in the wrong order, the container injects null instances.
To work around this issue, here's a simple extension method:
public static class SimpleContainerExtensions { public static SimpleContainerRegistration RegisterSingleton<TImplementation>(this SimpleContainer container, string key = null) { container.Singleton<TImplementation>(key); return new SimpleContainerRegistration(container, typeof(TImplementation), key); } class SimpleContainerRegistration { private readonly SimpleContainer _container; private readonly Type _implementationType; private readonly string _key; public SimpleContainerRegistration(SimpleContainer container, Type type, string key) { _container = container; _implementationType = type; _key = key; } public SimpleContainerRegistration AlsoAs<TInterface>() { container.RegisterHandler(typeof(TInterface), key, container => container.GetInstance(_implementationType, _key)); return this; } } }
This registers the class as a singleton and allows me to chain additional handlers for each required interface. Like so:
var container = new SimpleContainer(); container.RegisterSingleton<MetricsService>() .AlsoAs<IApplicationService>() .AlsoAs<IMetricsProvider>();
Happy coding!
9:01 AM
Suppose you have a fixed list of items that you want to display in a Xamarin.Forms TableView, but you want some rows and sections of that table to be hidden. Unfortunately, there isn’t a convenient IsVisible property on the TableSection or Cell elements that we can bind to, and the only way to manipulate them is through code. Here’s a quick look on how to collapse our Cells and Sections using an Attached Property.
Take this example layout:
<ContentPage> <Grid> <TableView Intent="Settings"> <TableRoot> <TableSection Title="Group 1"> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 1" /> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 2" /> </TableSection> <TableSection Title="Group 2"> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 3" /> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 4" /> </TableSection> </TableRoot> </TableView> </Grid> </ContentPage>
In the above, I have two TableSection elements that contain two very simple SwitchCell elements. A lot of the detail has been omitted for clarity, but let's assume that I want the ability to only show certain settings to the user. Perhaps each setting is controlled by a special backend entitlement logic, and I want to bind that visibility for each cell through my ViewModel.
We'll create an attached property that can hide our cells:
public class CellEx { public static BindableProperty CollapsedProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached( "Collapsed", typeof(bool?), typeof(CellEx), default(bool?), defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWay, propertyChanged: OnCollapsedChanged); public static bool GetCollapsed(BindableObject target) { return (bool)target.GetValue(CollapsedProperty); } public static void SetCollapsed(BindableObject target, bool value) { target.SetValue(CollapsedProperty, value); } private static void OnCollapsedChanged(BindableObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue) { // do work with cell } }
The OnCollapsedChanged event handler is called when the bound value of the BindableProperty is first set and we’ll use it to obtain a reference to the Cell. As the binding is potentially invoked before the UI is fully initialized we’ll need to defer our changes until it’s ready:
private static void OnCollapsedChanged(BindableObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue) { var view = sender as Cell; bool isVisible = (bool)newValue; if (view != null) { // the parent isn't available until the page has loaded. if (view.Parent == null) { view.Appearing += (o,e) => { ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(view, isVisible); }; } else { ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(view, isVisible); } } }
Once we have an initialized Cell, we need to obtain a reference to the containing TableSection. As a twist, the Parent of the Cell is the root TableView, so we must traverse the entire table downward to find the correct TableSection. Since a TableView only contains a fixed list of cells, scanning the entire table shouldn't be too troublesome at all:
private static void ToggleViewCellCollapsedState(Cell cell, bool isVisible) { var table = (TableView)cell.Parent; TableSection container = FindContainingTableSection(table, cell); if (container != null) { if (!isVisible) { // do work to hide cell } } } private static TableSection FindContainingTableSection(TableView table, Cell cell) { foreach(var section in table.Root) { foreach(var child in section) { if (child == cell) { return section; } } } return null; }
Lastly, once we've obtained the necessary references, we can simply manipulate the TableSection contents. To ensure this works on all platforms, this code must execute on the UI thread:
if (!isVisible) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { // remove the cell from the section container.Remove(cell); // remove the section from the table if it's empty if (container.Count == 0) { table.Root.Remove(container); } }); }
We can then bind the visibility of our cells to the attached property:
<ContentPage xmlns:ex="clr-namespace:MyNamespace.Behaviors" > <Grid> <TableView> <TableRoot> <TableSection Title="Group 1"> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 1" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting1Visible}" /> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 2" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting2Visible}" /> </TableSection> <TableSection Title="Group 2"> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 3" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting3Visible}" /> <SwitchCell Title="Setting 4" ex:CellEx.Collapsed={Binding IsSetting4Visible}" /> </TableSection> </TableRoot> </TableView> </Grid> </ContentPage>
This works great and can dynamically hide individual cells or an entire section if needed. The largest caveat to this approach is that it only hides cells and won’t re-introduce them into the view when the binding changes. This is entirely plausible as you could cache the cells in a local variable and re-insert them programmatically, but you’d need to remember the containing section and appropriate indexes. I’d leave that to you dear reader, or I may rise to the challenge if I determine I really want to re-activate these cells in my app.
Happy coding!
10:54 AM
I’m using the Xamarin Mac BuildAgent to compile my Xamarin.Forms app from Visual Studio and test it using the device simulator on my Mac. This solution was working really well for me until one day, it wasn’t. I could compile and deploy to the Simulator fine, but I was seeing errors at runtime that simply weren’t there on Android or UWP. To make matters worse, my colleagues weren’t seeing this problem when compiling and deploying to an actual device.
The problem started when we added Azure Mobile Services to our project. The errors we were seeing weren’t very helpful at all, either a TypeLoadException or NullReferenceException and they appear when trying to invoke calls that were part of the Mobile Services client. These errors are frustrating because the error detail in Visual Studio provides little guidance as to why these calls aren’t working, especially when the same calls were working before adding the reference.
The forums and usage for Azure Mobile Services recommends that you must invoke CurrentPlatform.Init() to ensure that some of the extended assemblies that are dynamically loaded at runtime are linked into the output during compilation. I’ve seen similar problems before in WPF where the compilation process would optimize away assemblies that contain only DataTemplates and Styles – effectively, if they don’t contain byte-code then the compiler will not list the reference as a dependency.
Unfortunately our team was already using CurrentPlatform.Init() in our code, and since the error was only specific to the iPhoneSimulator it suggested an issue with the Linking used for the Debug_iPhoneSimulator configuration. Although the Linker Behavior is set to Don’t link – which effectively takes all assemblies without attempting to optimize – we added the –linkskip arguments to both the main Azure Mobile Service assembly and its platform equivalent (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Ext).
This strangely seemed to resolve the issue, at least partially. We could get further along in our app initialization before the app would hang.
Often, the errors from Xamarin will recommend checking the logs. There are two logs to check:
In my case, looking at the Simulator’s Device Log showed the critical missing piece of information. I was missing a reference to a reference. I was missing a reference to System.Net.Http!
Jul 2 13:35:15 Bryans-MacBook-Pro MyAppiOS[24157]: Could not find `System.Net.Http` referenced by assembly `Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null`. Jul 2 13:35:15 Bryans-MacBook-Pro MyAppiOS[24157]: Could not find `System.Net.Http` referenced by assembly `Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35`. Jul 2 13:35:15 Bryans-MacBook-Pro MyAppiOS[24157]: Could not find `System.Net.Http` referenced by assembly `Xamarin.Auth, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null`. Jul 2 13:35:15 Bryans-MacBook-Pro MyAppiOS[24157]: Could not find `System.Net.Http` referenced by assembly `Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35`.
The logs contain .NET StackTraces and Exception details, which provide excellent supporting information for errors that occur in the IDE. And now that the simulator actually works it’ll be used a great deal more often.
11:21 AM
Well, it took the better half of a Saturday installing updates for what seems like everything, but I managed to my MacBook Pro running Visual Studio 2015 and able to deploy to the iPhone Simulator through the Xamarin Mac Agent. I was surprised at how easy it was and only one minor caveat I had to work through…
My Saturday began with starting my Windows 10 virtual machine on my Mac and being greeted with a warning regarding a conflict between Parallels for Mac 11 and the Windows 10 Creator’s Update. I hadn’t installed the Creators Update yet, so I decided there was no better time than the present to update my Parallels installation. The installation was quick and painless.
When I started my Windows 10 virtual machine, it was a bit unresponsive so I decided to restart it. However, my only options were to “Update and Shutdown” or “Update and Restart”. Sigh. Ok, let’s update this too.
Sure enough, the update was the Windows 10 Creators Update. Well, at least I updated Parallels first.
While I was waiting for this to complete, a notification from my Mac popped up: that update that required me to be connected to power didn’t run last night. It seems like my Mac has been nagging me for a while now to perform this update and I always choose “Later”. “Later” usually means the next day I’m warned about not being connected to a power source. Sigh. Ok, fine. I’m updating Windows, why not update the Mac?
Crap. That update was for Mac Sierra which I thought I had already installed. Maybe it’ll be quick. Wishful thinking for an OS update I suppose.
Both the Mac and Windows seemed to update around the same time, almost like they were in competition of completing before the other. Finally. Let’s do this.
When I booted up Visual Studio 2015 I was surprised that the usual Xamarin menu options weren’t available. I launched the Extensions and Updates option and realized that Visual Studio Update 2 wasn’t installed. I’d forgotten that I wasn’t using my Parallels for this (hence this post) and I’d been using my PC to do most of my builds and only using the Mac for the Xamarin Mac Agent. I started the Update 3 wizard and selected the 13 GBs of features that I needed. Let’s grab some lunch while this completes.
When I came back to my Mac, Visual Studio 2015 was already running and waiting for me. I launched the Xamarin Mac Agent and it immediately found my Mac. I logged in without issues. Brilliant. I decided to tempt fate and create a new Xamarin.Forms Portable application, compile and run on my iOS simulator. After creating the solution, Xamarin informed me that there was an update available. The rate things were going, I might as well do this now, right?
While I was updating the Xamarin NuGet package, I toggled back to my Mac and checked to see if there was an update for my Xamarin Studio. Yeah, I’m pretty sure you knew there’d be one too. Lots of downloads and updates.
OK FINE. Everything’s good now. Let’s compile this bad boy and try out deploying to my mac from Visual Studio.
Sadly, I was presented with a wack of compilation errors. Turns out, parts of my Xamarin.Android weren’t being resolved during compilation. The workaround appears in Xamarin’s troubleshooting section, so it must be somewhat common. I had to download a ~200Mb file, rename it and place it a specific folder and I was back in business. Compiling took 20 minutes while everything re-unpacked and initialized.
Everything compiles! Life is good. It’s about time we deploy to my mac from Visual Studio? Sweet Christmas, now it’s complaining that my version of Xamarin requires an update to XCode 8.3.
Fortunately, XCode 8.3 is only 2.5 GB and I must really want to compile and deploy. I fire-up Fantastic Beasts and where to find them while I wait.
About half way through the movie, I check out my Mac. I reboot and had to force a reboot on my windows 10 virtual machine.
I compiled. It worked. I clicked deploy. It worked. Hopefully the benefits of only having to carry around a single device provides enough productivity gains to outweigh this productivity disaster.
Oh – I mentioned a caveat. I wasn’t able to compile the solution using the default parallels mapped folder location \\Mac\\Home\\Documents. I changed this to a different folder on the machine.
Well, there you go. I think this post was more of a rant than any helpful tip. If you made it to the end, a cookie for you, I guess. Hope you enjoyed reading my adventure. Do you think Dumbledore will battle Grindlewald in the next movie?
8:47 PM
It happens a fair bit: there’s a small identical piece of code that you have to need to include in each project you work on. Sometimes you can copy and paste from an old project or you simply write it from scratch. You do this over and over so much that you get used to writing it.
Fortunately, Visual Studio “snippets” can tame this monster. Simply type a keyword and hit tab twice and – bam! – code magically appears. But if you’re like me, the thought of deviating from your project to write a snippet can seem tedious. Lucky for you, you don’t have to write them, you can just borrow my favourite snippets.
My vmbase snippet includes some common boilerplate code for INotifyPropertyChanged. It includes the SetField<T> method you may see in a few of my posts. After adding this snippet, be sure to decorate your class with INotifyPropertyChanged.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <CodeSnippets xmlns=""> <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0"> <Header> <Title>Base ViewModel implementation</Title> <Shortcut>vmbase</Shortcut> <Description>Inserts SetField and NotifyPropertyChanged</Description> <Author>BCook</Author> <SnippetTypes> <SnippetType>Expansion</SnippetType> </SnippetTypes> </Header> <Snippet> <Imports> <Import> <Namespace>System.Collections.Generic</Namespace> </Import> <Import> <Namespace>System.ComponentModel</Namespace> </Import> <Import> <Namespace>System.Runtime.CompilerServices</Namespace> </Import> </Imports> <Declarations> </Declarations> <Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[ protected bool SetField<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value)) { field = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(propertyName); return true; } return false; } protected void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } $end$]]> </Code> </Snippet> </CodeSnippet> </CodeSnippets>
The propvm snippet is similar to other “prop” snippets. It creates a property with a backing field and uses the SetField<T> method for raising property change notifications.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <CodeSnippets xmlns=""> <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0"> <Header> <Title>Define a Property with SetField</Title> <Shortcut>propvm</Shortcut> <Description>Code snippet for a ViewModel property</Description> <Author>Bryan Cook</Author> <SnippetTypes> <SnippetType>Expansion</SnippetType> </SnippetTypes> </Header> <Snippet> <Declarations> <Literal> <ID>type</ID> <ToolTip>Property Type</ToolTip> <Default>string</Default> </Literal> <Literal> <ID>property</ID> <ToolTip>Property Name</ToolTip> <Default>MyProperty</Default> </Literal> <Literal> <ID>field</ID> <ToolTip>Field Name</ToolTip> <Default>myProperty</Default> </Literal> </Declarations> <Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[ private $type$ _$field$; public $type$ $property$ { get { return _$field$; } set { SetField(ref _$field$, value); } } $end$]]> </Code> </Snippet> </CodeSnippet> </CodeSnippets>
Similar to the propdp snippet which creates WPF dependency properties, propbp creates a Xamarin.Form BindableProperty.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <CodeSnippets xmlns=""> <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0"> <Header> <Title>Define a Xamarin.Forms Bindable Property</Title> <Shortcut>propbp</Shortcut> <Description>Code snippet for Xamarin.Forms Bindable Property</Description> <Author>Bryan Cook</Author> <SnippetTypes> <SnippetType>Expansion</SnippetType> </SnippetTypes> </Header> <Snippet> <Imports> <Import> <Namespace>Xamarin.Forms</Namespace> </Import> </Imports> <Declarations> <Literal> <ID>type</ID> <ToolTip>Property Type</ToolTip> <Default>string</Default> </Literal> <Literal> <ID>property</ID> <ToolTip>Property Name</ToolTip> <Default>MyProperty</Default> </Literal> <Literal> <ID>owner</ID> <ToolTip>Owner Type for the BindableProperty</ToolTip> <Default>object</Default> </Literal> </Declarations> <Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[ #region $property$ public static BindableProperty $property$Property = BindableProperty.Create( "$property$", typeof($type$), typeof($owner$), default($type$), defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWay, propertyChanged: On$property$Changed); private static void On$property$Changed(BindableObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue) { } #endregion public $type$ $property$ { get { return ($type$)GetValue($property$Property); } set { SetValue($property$Property, value); } } $end$]]> </Code> </Snippet> </CodeSnippet> </CodeSnippets>
Visual Studio ships with a super helpful testm snippet which generates a MSTest test method for you. My simple testma snippet creates an asynchronous test method.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <CodeSnippets xmlns=""> <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0"> <Header> <Title>Async Test Method</Title> <Shortcut>testma</Shortcut> <Description>Inserts Test Method with async keyword</Description> <Author>BCook</Author> <SnippetTypes> <SnippetType>Expansion</SnippetType> </SnippetTypes> </Header> <Snippet> <Imports> <Import> <Namespace>Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting</Namespace> </Import> <Import> <Namespace>System.Threading.Tasks</Namespace> </Import> </Imports> <References> <Reference> <Assembly>Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll</Assembly> </Reference> </References> <Declarations> <Literal> <ID>method</ID> <ToolTip>MethodName</ToolTip> <Default>TestMethodName</Default> </Literal> <Literal Editable="false"> <ID>TestMethod</ID> <Function>SimpleTypeName(global::Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethod)</Function> </Literal> </Declarations> <Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[ [$TestMethod$] public async Task $method$() { // await ... Assert.Fail(); } $end$]]> </Code> </Snippet> </CodeSnippet> </CodeSnippets>
To install the snippets:
To use them, simply type the keyword for the snippet (as defined in the ShortCut element in the snippet) and press the tab key twice.
Note: If you have resharper installed, the default tab/tab keyboard shortcut might not be enabled.
Any feedback is greatly welcomed.
8:45 AM
In my last post we looked at obtaining a reference to controls from within our ViewModel. While this approach is a good workaround for non-MVVM friendly user controls a better long term strategy is to adapt these controls to support the MVVM features you need. Today's post will take a quick stab at adding binding support to the Map control.
If you follow Xamarin’s walk-through for the Map control it shows pins are added directly to the control from the code-behind. This post will use a more MVVM-friendly approach by adding a few bindable properties to the custom control so that we can manipulate the Map using data in the ViewModels only. We'll design our custom Map to dynamically add and remove pins, and to set focus and center on a specific pin.
Because we’re not changing the behaviour or appearance of the control we simply need to derive from the Map control and Xamarin.Forms will use its default renderer to display the control. If we wanted to change the behavior or layout of the pins, things get a bit more complicated and we’d need to create a custom renderer for each platform. Xamarin has a good tutorial on how to create custom renderers.
Here’s the starting point for our custom map.
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.Controls { using Xamarin.Forms; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; public class CustomMap : Map { } }
Although the Map control has several bindable properties already (HasScrollEnabled, HasZoomEnabled, IsShowingUser, MapType) it does not support properties for the Pins or currently selected pin. These are easy to add:
public static BindableProperty PinsItemsSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create( "PinsItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable<Pin>), typeof(CustomMap), default(IEnumerable<Pin>), propertyChanged: OnPinsItemsSourcePropertyChanged); public static BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty = BindableProperty.Create( "SelectedItem", typeof(Pin), typeof(CustomMap), null, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnSelectedItemChanged ); public Pin SelectedItem { get { return (Pin)GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); } set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); } } public IEnumerable<Pin> PinsItemsSource { get { return (IEnumerable<Pin>)GetValue(PinsItemsSourceProperty); } set { SetValue(PinsItemsSourceProperty, value); } }
Similar to WPF’s DependencyProperties, BindableProperties have the ability to invoke a callback when new values are assigned through data bindings. The callback function for the data-bound pin collection is pretty straight forward — it assigns the new value to a property on the control. The real magic for the collection is that it uses Caliburn.Micro’s BindableCollection<T> – a thread-safe implementation of ObservableCollection<T> – which we use to listen for changes to the collection. Whenever the collection changes we copy the Pin to the Control’s default Pins collection.
private static void OnPinsItemsSourcePropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var control = (CustomMap)bindable; control.PinsCollection = newValue as IObservableCollection<Pin>; } private IObservableCollection<Pin> _collection; protected IObservableCollection<Pin> PinsCollection { get { return _collection; } set { if (_collection != null) { _collection.CollectionChanged -= OnObservableCollectionChanged; } _collection = value; if (_collection != null) { _collection.CollectionChanged += OnObservableCollectionChanged; } } } private void OnObservableCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { foreach (Pin pin in e.NewItems) { pin.Clicked += OnPinClicked; Pins.Add(pin); } } if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { foreach (Pin pin in e.NewItems) { pin.Clicked -= OnPinClicked; Pins.Remove(pin); } } }
We’ll also take this time to associate the Pin’s Click event to our SelectedItem property.
private void OnPinClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedItem = (Pin)sender; }
And since we’re setting the SelectedItem, let’s center the view on the selected pin. Because the binding mode of the property is set to TwoWay this callback is invoked from both changes in the control or from the ViewModel.
private static void OnSelectedItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { var map = (CustomMap)bindable; var pin = newValue as Pin; if (pin != null) { Distance distance = map.VisibleRegion.Radius; MapSpan region = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(pin.Position, distance); map.MoveToRegion(region); } }
Now to see this in action, let’s demonstrate a View with our custom map and a few buttons on it. We’ll wire the buttons to a command that sets the SelectedItem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:maps="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.Maps;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Maps" xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:XF.CaliburnMicro1.Controls" x:Class="XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views.Tab3View" > <StackLayout VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"> <Grid HeightRequest="150"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition /> <RowDefinition /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition /> <ColumnDefinition /> <ColumnDefinition /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Command="{Binding SelectPinCommand}" CommandParameter="1" Text="1" /> <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Command="{Binding SelectPinCommand}" CommandParameter="2" Text="2" /> <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Command="{Binding SelectPinCommand}" CommandParameter="3" Text="3" /> <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Command="{Binding SelectPinCommand}" CommandParameter="4" Text="4" /> <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Command="{Binding NewPinCommand}" Text="Add Pin" /> </Grid> <controls:CustomMap IsShowingUser="true" MapType="Street" PinsItemsSource="{Binding Pins}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPin}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" /> </StackLayout> </ContentView>
The ViewModel is really quite simple now. We simply populate a list of Pins and change the SelectedPin to trigger changes in the View.
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.ViewModels { using Caliburn.Micro; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; using XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views; public class Tab3ViewModel : BaseScreen { private Pin _selectedPin; public Tab3ViewModel() { Pins = new BindableCollection<Pin>(); SelectPinCommand = new DelegateCommand(o => { var index = int.Parse(o.ToString()); SelectedPin = Pins[index - 1]; }); NewPinCommand = new DelegateCommand((o) => { var position = MapControl.VisibleRegion.Center; var pin = Create("New!", position.Latitude, position.Longitude); Pins.Add(pin); }); } public BindableCollection<Pin> Pins { get; protected set; } public Pin SelectedPin { get { return _selectedPin; } set { SetField(ref _selectedPin, value); } } public DelegateCommand NewPinCommand { get; set; } public DelegateCommand SelectPinCommand { get; set; } protected override void OnActivate() { base.OnActivate(); Pins.Clear(); // top 4 largest cities in north america Pins.Add(Create("Mexico City", 19.4326, -99.1332)); Pins.Add(Create("New York", 40.7128, -74.0059)); Pins.Add(Create("Los Angeles", 34.0522, -118.2437)); Pins.Add(Create("Toronto", 43.6532, -79.3832)); } private Pin Create(string label, double lat, double longitude) { return new Pin { Label = label, Position = new Position(lat, longitude), Type = PinType.Generic }; } } }
And Voila! Our Map is now populated and driven using data in the ViewModel!
Happy coding.
8:50 AM
It’s worth repeating: the general principle in MVVM is to separate logic from presentation code. This separation makes it easy to swap out presentation elements and unit test our control logic. The generally accepted litmus test for “good mvvm” is the View should be XAML only and all code should be contained in the view-model. Ultimately it leads to more opportunities for code-reuse and higher unit testing code coverage.
However, living up to this ideal can be difficult to achieve, especially when rogue user controls weren’t designed with MVVM in mind. The MapControl is a great example of this – it offers so many complex features (layers, pushpins, custom-shapes, etc) that it would be difficult to produce a simple abstraction.
Caliburn.Micro has a Screen ViewModel that represents important view-lifecycle events. The OnViewAttached method provides an opportunity to obtain a reference to the view and perform logic that you would normally have to do in code-behind. It feels a bit hacky (it sort of is, I’ll show some alternatives in another post) – but it’s a good workaround for difficult scenarios. Keep in mind this is an exception to the rule, something that you might use once in a while.
This recipe uses these ingredients:
We’ll start with a XAML View that uses the Xamarin.Forms Map control. There’s a bit of work to get the Map up and running, so I’ll refer you to Xamarin’s walk-through on how to configure your project. Though most examples from Xamarin show the Map control being used from code-behind, we should be able to do anything they do in those samples from our ViewModel.
In order to access the MapControl programmatically, we have to give it an x:Name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:maps="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.Maps;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Maps" x:Class="XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views.Tab3View" > <Grid VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"> <maps:Map x:Name="map" IsShowingUser="True" MapType="Street" /> </Grid> </ContentView>
This step is optional and is largely because I don’t want to couple the View explicitly in the ViewModel. By defining an interface, I can use this technique with different Views. For example, you might subclass the Map control and use it different areas of your application. The interface approach makes it easy to access the control regardless of where it’s used in my app.
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views { using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; public interface IMapAware { Map GetMap(); } }
Next we simply implement the interface on the View and return our named element.
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views { using Xamarin.Forms; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; public partial class Tab3View : ContentView, IMapAware { public Tab3View() { InitializeComponent(); } public Map GetMap() { return; } } }
The last step here assumes that we’re backing our Xamarin.Form Pages with ViewModels that derive from Caliburn.Micro’s Screen class. To access the control from the ViewModel, we override the OnViewAttached method and either cast the argument to our View or to the interface mentioned above.
In this example, I’m assigning the Control to a property on the ViewModel so that I can centralize initialization logic, such as subscribing to events and setting default properties.
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.ViewModels { using Caliburn.Micro; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; public class Tab3ViewModel : Screen { internal Map MapControl { get { return _map; } set { if (_map != null) { // unregister events } _map = value; if (_map != null) { // wire-up events } } } protected override void OnViewAttached(object view, object context) { var mapView = view as IMapAware; if (mapView != null) { MapControl = mapView.GetMap(); } } protected override void OnActivate() { base.OnActivate(); CenterMap(); } internal void CenterMap() { var mapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(43.6532, -79.3832), Distance.FromKilometers(10)); MapControl.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); } } }
Sweet. Now we can add our Pins to the Map from the ViewModel. In my next post, we'll look at a solution to apply our Pins using MVVM so that we don't need to manipulate the Map directly.
Happy coding.
9:30 AM
When it comes to mobile applications, there are many different ways to prompt a user for input. Xamarin.Forms has adopted a technique originally introduced in iOS called an ActionSheet that can prompt the user for one or many options.
While Xamarin.iOS provides the UIAlertController to display Popups and ActionSheets, the only way to present the ActionSheet in Xamarin.Forms is through the DisplayActionSheet method on the Page object. If we want to present this dialog to our users using MVVM, accessing the Page object from the code-behind would be violating one of the MVVM best-practices, so we’d need to find another way that’s more “MVVM Friendly”. I’ve had a lot of success with the following approach. Maybe you will, too.
Before we dive into the MVVM component, let’s take a closer look at the ActionSheet. An ActionSheet prompts the user to choose a selection from a list but also provides two specific options: Cancel and Destruction. The “Cancel” option is obvious, but perhaps the “Destruction” option may not. In iOS, this term represents a destructive operation that is highlighted in red. For example, an actionsheet shown to users during a photo editing session may show a list of file sizes (“Small”, “Medium”, “Large”), a “Cancel” button and a destructive operation, “Discard Changes”.
To show the ActionSheet using bindings from our ViewModel, we have a few options:
As mentioned above, my preferred approach to show the ActionSheet works on this basic principle:
We’ll expose the following properties:
The end result looks like this:
namespace XF.CaliburnMicro1.Controls { using System.Windows.Input; using Xamarin.Forms; public class ActionSheet { #region Parameters public static BindableProperty ParametersProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached( "Parameters", typeof(ActionSheetParameters), typeof(ActionSheet), default(ActionSheetParameters)); public static ActionSheetParameters GetParameters(BindableObject bindable) { return (ActionSheetParameters)bindable.GetValue(ParametersProperty); } public static void SetParameters(BindableObject bindable, ActionSheetParameters value) { bindable.SetValue(ParametersProperty, value); } #endregion #region Result public static BindableProperty ResultProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached( "Result", typeof(string), typeof(ActionSheet), default(string), defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay); public static string GetResult(BindableObject bindable) { return (string)bindable.GetValue(ResultProperty); } public static void SetResult(BindableObject bindable, string value) { bindable.SetValue(ResultProperty, value); } #endregion #region Command public static BindableProperty CommandProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached( "Command", typeof(ICommand), typeof(ActionSheet), null); public static ICommand GetCommand(BindableObject bindable) { return (ICommand)bindable.GetValue(CommandProperty); } public static void SetCommand(BindableObject bindable, string value) { bindable.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); } #endregion #region IsVisible public static BindableProperty IsVisibleProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached( "IsVisible", typeof(bool), typeof(ActionSheet), default(bool), propertyChanged: OnShowDialog, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay); public static bool GetIsVisible(BindableObject bindable) { return (bool)bindable.GetValue(IsVisibleProperty); } public static void SetIsVisible(BindableObject bindable, bool value) { bindable.SetValue(IsVisibleProperty, value); } #endregion private static async void OnShowDialog(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) { bool showAlert = (bool)newValue; if (showAlert) { var page = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent<Page>((Element)bindable); ActionSheetParameters args = GetParameters(bindable); if (page != null && args != null) { string result = await page.DisplayActionSheet(args.Title, args.Cancel, args.Destruction, args.Buttons); SetResult(bindable, result); // pass result back to binding // pas result back to viewmodel using command ICommand command = GetCommand(bindable); if (result != null && command != null) { command.Execute(result); } SetIsVisible(bindable, false); // reset the dialog } } } } public class ActionSheetParameters { /// <summary> /// Action sheet title /// </summary> public string Title { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Cancel button title /// </summary> public string Cancel { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Destructive action title /// </summary> public string Destruction { get; set; } /// <summary> /// List of Buttons /// </summary> public string[] Buttons { get; set; } } }
From the above, the work is done when the IsVisible property changes. Our ViewModel would look like this:
public class ExampleViewModel : Screen { private bool _showDialog; private string _result; private ActionSheetParameters _parameters; public ExampleViewModel() { ShowDialogCommand = new DelegateCommand((o) => { DialogParameters = new ActionSheetParameters { Title = "Choose your option wisely", Cancel = "Cancel", Destruction = "Self Destruct", Buttons = new[] { "One", "Two", "Red", "Blue" } }; ShowDialog = true; }); } public bool ShowDialog { get { return _showDialog; } set { SetField(ref _showDialog, value); } } public string Result { get { return _result; } set { SetField(ref _result, value); } } public ActionSheetParameters DialogParameters { get { return _parameters; } set { SetField(ref _parameters, value); } } public DelegateCommand ShowDialogCommand { get; protected set; } protected void SetField<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { if (!Object.Equals(field, value)) { field = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(propertyName); } } }
And the corresponding View:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentView xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:XF.CaliburnMicro1.Controls" x:Class="XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views.Tab2View" controls:ActionSheet.Parameters="{Binding DialogParameters}" controls:ActionSheet.Result="{Binding Result}" controls:ActionSheet.IsVisible="{Binding ShowDialog}" > <StackLayout> <Button Text="Show Dialog" Command="{Binding ShowDialogCommand}" /> <Label Text="{Binding Result}" /> </StackLayout> </ContentView>
This technique works well for both iOS and Android.
Happy coding.
8:58 AM
I enjoy working with Xamarin.Forms because it allows me to leverage my XAML background for cross-platform technologies. While Xamarin.Forms has come a long way over the last few years, there are a few gaps between WPF/Modern Apps and the Xamarin implementation of XAML.
One of those gaps is the VisualTreeHelper that ships as part of WPF. The VisualTreeHelper is especially useful when developing custom controls, Attached Properties or Behaviors. For example, an Attached Property like Grid.Row can search up the visual tree to find the parent Grid control.
While there is no implementation within Xamarin.Forms, there are some examples that offer partial solutions.
The class hierarchy for Xamarin.Forms gives us a bit of insight about the visual tree. A controls and visual elements share a common base class, Element.
Here’s my implementation for GetParent<T> and GetChildren<T>:
public static class VisualTreeHelper { public static T GetParent<T>(this Element element) where T : Element { if (element is T) { return element as T; } else { if (element.Parent != null) { return element.Parent.GetParent<T>(); } return default(T); } } public static IEnumerable<T> GetChildren<T>(this Element element) where T : Element { var properties = element.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties(); // try to parse the Content property var contentProperty = properties.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Name == "Content"); if (contentProperty != null) { var content = contentProperty.GetValue(element) as Element; if (content != null) { if (content is T) { yield return content as T; } foreach (var child in content.GetChildren<T>()) { yield return child; } } } else { // try to parse the Children property var childrenProperty = properties.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Name == "Children"); if (childrenProperty != null) { // loop through children IEnumerable children = childrenProperty.GetValue(element) as IEnumerable; foreach (var child in children) { var childVisualElement = child as Element; if (childVisualElement != null) { // return match if (childVisualElement is T) { yield return childVisualElement as T; } // return recursive results of children foreach (var childVisual in childVisualElement.GetChildren<T>()) { yield return childVisual; } } } } } } }
As the VisualTreeHelper is implemented as a static class, it can be used stand-alone or as extension methods on an object:
// from within user control... Page page = null; StackLayout stack = this.FindByName<StackLayout>("myStack"); // utility class page = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent<Page>(stack); // using extension method page = stack.GetParent<Page>();
Well, that's it for now. My next post will show how a practical example.
Happy coding.
12:41 PM
My last post showed how to setup a TabbedPage with separate View/ViewModels for each tab using Caliburn.Micro. The post used a DataTemplateSelector to resolve the tab content which isn’t the preferred technique when working with Caliburn.Micro. Today we’ll use a strategy that is more aligned to Caliburn’s philosophy and is a tiny bit more extensible.
As per the previous post, we used a DataTemplateSelector because the default TabbedPage.ItemTemplate expects a ContentPage and we wanted to use existing ContentPage items as tabs. In reality, this was a situation that occurred because our team had originally developed these pages independently and then wanted to consolidate them into a TabbedPage after the fact. If you don’t plan on navigating to these pages outside of the TabbedPage, we can build up our ContentPage inside the DataTemplate and use Caliburn.Micro’s binding syntax. This approach will require us to change our existing ContentPage(s) into ContentView(s) and since we depended on the Page objects to provide us with Title and Icon information, we’ll need to push this information into our ViewModels.
Let’s introduce a simple interface for our ViewModels that will be tabs in our TabbedPage:
public interface ITabViewModel { string Title { get; } string Icon { get; } int SortOrder { get; } }
The changes to the ViewModel are pretty trivial. We simply implement the ITabViewModel interface:
public class Tab1ViewModel : Screen, ITabViewModel { public Tab1ViewModel() { Tab1Content = "Tab 1 Content"; } public string Tab1Content { get; set; } public string Icon => "Tab1.png"; public int SortOrder => 0; public string Title => "Tab1"; } public class Tab2ViewModel : Screen, ITabViewModel { public Tab2ViewModel() { Tab2Content = "Tab 2 Content"; } public string Tab2Content { get; set; } public string Icon => "Tab2.png"; public int SortOrder => 0; public string Title => "Tab 2"; }
Next, we register our ViewModels in the App using the ITabViewModel signature:
public class App : FormsApplication { private readonly SimpleContainer container; public App(SimpleContainer container) { this.container = container; // TODO: Register additional viewmodels and services container .PerRequest<Main2ViewModel>() .PerRequest<ITabViewModel,Tab1ViewModel>() .PerRequest<ITabViewModel,Tab2ViewModel>() ; Initialize(); DisplayRootViewFor<Main2ViewModel>(); } // snip... }
Lastly, we can change our Screen Conductor to be less coupled to the specific ViewModels:
public class Main2ViewModel : Conductor<Screen>.Collection.OneActive { public Main2ViewModel(IEnumerable<ITabViewModel> tabs) { if (tabs.Any()) { foreach(var tab in tabs.OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder)) { Items.Add((Screen)tab); } ActivateItem(Items[0]); } } }
The changes to the view are also very trivial. We’re simply changing them from ContentPage to ContentView. There are a few attributes that aren’t available (Title, Icon) so we’ll simply remove them if present.
And then finally, we can remove our DataTemplateSelector and use the View.Model attached property to resolve our ContentView:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TabbedPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:cm="clr-namespace:Caliburn.Micro.Xamarin.Forms;assembly=Caliburn.Micro.Platform.Xamarin.Forms" x:Class="XF.CaliburnMicro1.Views.Main2View" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectedItem="{Binding ActiveItem}" > <TabbedPage.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ContentPage Title="{Binding Title}" Icon="{Binding Icon}"> <ContentView cm:View.Model="{Binding}" /> </ContentPage> </DataTemplate> </TabbedPage.ItemTemplate> </TabbedPage>
Easy peasy.
Happy coding.
9:15 AM